Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas time is over

A lot of you may still have some Christmas's to celebrate, we even have one left in January with my side of the family.  But for the most part, Christmas time is over and I have to admit I'm a little sad.  I think about having to put away my decorations and part of me frowns because I have to mess with getting the bins down and putting it all away and the other part of me frowns because I won't be able to light my Christmas tree or the outside of my house anymore.  Bentley has even grown accustom to the ritual of turning the lights on at dusk.  Christmas tree lights make me....happy.  They are very relaxing to me and I love nothing more than to turn off my lights and sit by the light of the tree!  But that time has come that I must take them down and wait for next year.
We had the opportunity to host two Christmases this year, both for Curt's sides of the family.  While I'm not as good of a host as my mother, I'd have to say both went very smooth and went off with a bang!  I've decided that I may not mind having load of people in my house.  Curt and I seemed to work very well as a team and cleaned up after everyone as soon as the last one hit the door.  Out home is back to 'normal' (or as normal as one can get with a two year old in the house).  I even was sweeping and mopping after everyone left, I AM my mother's child.  It was so nice to have everyone together in one room so everyone could enjoy and converse with each other.  So I'd like to share with you some things that I learned from hosting a large group of people:

     I learned that I should not set expectations before people get here as far as where people would sit/play, where the food would go, etc. because no matter what it won't go as you planned it, and that's okay.

     I learned that I might want to invest in a larger garbage can, or get more trash bags before hosting such a large group, we ran out of trash space and it just kept piling up and we had quite the mess.

     Such a small space can get VERY loud with 30 people in it.

     No matter how much time, how many days, you spend cleaning before a large party, you will STILL find dust/cobwebs/dirt.  I was in shock that I still found this considering how much time Curt and I spent cleaning and reorganizing the house the whole month of December.

All in all I was very please with Curt and my hosting abilities and was surprised how well things went.  We also had Christmas over at my mothers on Christmas day and as always that went very well too.  My mom and Aunt Connie provided all the food, which was a little odd to me come time to pack up my house and leave because I didn't have a side dish to worry about.  Mom thought it would be helpful for Angie and I not to have to worry about cooking anything so we could spend the morning enjoying Christmas with our little ones.  It was indeed a nice load off, but still felt strange not contributing like we always have since we had been out on our own.  We have one more Christmas left and that's when all my VanHoosen side of the family get together.  We have begun getting together at AmericInn and swimming with eating snack type foods.  We have a rather large family so we have out grown anyone's house really, so having it at the hotel that my cousin works at works for us.

I hope everyone had a wonderful time with Christmas this year, and made many memories for Christmases to come.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So What that I have only remembered to write SWW because my wonderful friend Sabrina kindly reminded me!  I only have 2 and a half hours left of SWW so I better have gotten started!

So what that I made a big to do about us not getting snow and it's currently falling faster than I'd expected.  I always get a kick out of how the news stations make a huge thing about ALL THIS SNOW/RAIN we are going to get and to PREPARE yourself for the BIG STORM!!!! and then 90% of the time they are dead WRONG!!!

So what that I just now realized Christmas is 6 days away.  I have 92% of my shopping done, all I have been focused on is cleaning for our Christmas guest both Monday and Wednesday nights, I'm trying not to think about it because I don't find it's necessary to stress around the holidays, it's such a downer.

So what that I now get excited for the advertiser to come so I can check out the coupon deals and to see what I can buy just to get more cents off my next fill on gas!

So what that yesterday I put my son in his crib in the afternoon just because I couldn't take his whining anymore.  He's been sick and far to clingy for the things I need to do around the house!  I know, I know I sound and feel like a horrible mother, but apparently he needed a break to because he didn't make a peep and I thought he was asleep but when I went to go check on him about 15 minutes later, he was playing with his feet seeming to be happy!

So what that I haven't planned on what I'm making for Christmas dinner with my family or with Curt's family. There's still PLENTY of

Well that's all I've got for tonight, until next time friends!!  Night Night

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So here I sit while watching my carpets get clean and what better time to invoke on my So What Wednesday!

So what that my whole house is tore up because my husband thought that EVERY SINGLE INCH of carpet needed to be clean.  Therefore the living room is in the kitchen and the bedrooms are in the bathroom.

So what that I don't have a single gift wrapped, they are all bought.

So what that I went to give blood this morning and I didn't have anything to drink or eat before going, I just barely passed the iron level of being allowed to give blood, and I lifted heavy items merely 4 hours after, which is not recommended.   

So what that I have invited my entire in law side of the family over for Christmas, and we barely have room for our own family.  I do have "stupid" written across my forehead.  But on the side note, it will be nice to have everyone so nice a cozy in one place on one of the best holidays of the year, after all Christmas is a time for family and togetherness.

So what that our bank account should be in the red but thanks to over protection accounts, it saved me.  Oh and so what that I'm still going out with the girls tonight for supper to La Cabana, I may just drink my supper instead!

So what that I spent 20 dollars on a bottle of wine last night at the restaurant   It was the best darn wine I've ever tasted!!!

So what that I have had to come back to this post because my son woke up with a fever of 101 and I've been playing doctor all afternoon long.  He seems to be doing okay energy wise but can't see to keep the fever down.  Oh the joys of winter sickness.

So what that the last entry in my blog was from two weeks ago So What Wednesday, I'm a busy lady folks.

So what that my husband bought all his own Christmas gifts this year and I get to get surprised by all mine, He is our families Santa this year (also he has a little bit of a shopping problem).

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


A friend of mine started this after seeing a fellow blogger start this, so I've decided I'll try to do it too!  So here it goes.....

So what that it's 3:30 and I'm just eating lunch because I'd rather get rest when my son is sleeping than eat something.  

So what the only thing I have to wear lately is T-Shirts and Sweat Shirts, there's only a few nice shirts in my closet that fit me and I refused to yet again buy clothes because ONE of these days I'm going to start a diet! 

So what that we do not have a lot of groceries to make 'meals' with, but most of our Christmas Shopping is DONE!!! 

So what that having my nephew, Drayton over makes me really stressed and not want to have another baby, I love him anyway and he is no troubles at all.  

So what I ate five pieces of Breakfast pizza this morning, I was hungry.  Plus I'll be starting a diet SOME day remember?!?! 

So what if I keep saying that "one of these days I'm going to go on a diet", maybe one of these days I actually will! lol 

Well there ya have it that's it for today, hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So, here I sit realizing that November is pretty much gone, like in three days done, over.  I can not believe how fast that month flew by.  I feel like I haven't been that busy to not notice a whole month has gone by, but it has.  I have been reading and trying to keep up with everyone that has participated in the 30 days of Thankfulness post on face book and my fellow bloggers.  While reading these there were moments that I felt different emotions.  Guilty - that I wasn't participating to let others know that I too have many things to be thankful for.  Jealous - that others seem to be so organized to post everyday for 30 days or try to at least.  Happy - to see so many of my friends be so thankful for what they have and not dwell on the things they don't.  Sad - that truly while some of us have so much to be thankful for there are many out there that are much less fortunate than us.
With that said, here is a little of what I have to be thankful for - First and for most, I'm thankful that I have found a husband that accepts me for who I am.  He takes my crap when I'm crabby, shares in my joy when I'm giddy, understands me enough and cares enough to go the extra step because he knows I care about certain things the way I do.  I'm thankful for my son Bentley.  Man  I look back and can't even think of what life would be without him.  I remember when I first got pregnant I was TERRIFIED beyond belief.  I cried so hard that I shocked Curt and made him even scared.  I worried that I wasn't ready, questioned if I even was ready, I sometimes felt selfish and didn't want to have a little human to look after.  But now Today I'm so thankful that he was brought into my life for he has brought so much into it.  He has taught me what true patience is, he tests me EVERYDAY to limits I didn't know I had, and has brought so my joy to Curt and my lives.  I am thankful for my mom and my DAD, Betty and REGAN!  Though my family is special I wouldn't want it any other way.  Both of these people are as selfless as they come.  They go out of their way to take care of me and my family and I am so grateful for them both.  I am also thankful for my Mother-in-law, I couldn't have it better in cases of "in-laws".  She has truly taken me in as one of her own and I am so thankful for her for that.  I am also thankful for the rest of my family, sisters, brother, sister-in-law, brother in-law!  We are a close family and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I feel like I could go on and on.
Recently I lost a cousin who died at a rather young age, 46.  He passed away due to a blood clot in his chest.  This was such devastating news to me and our whole family.  All I could think about is the wonderful family, wife and three kids, and EVERYONE else, that he had left behind so suddenly.  No warning, no good-bye, absolutely no closer.  It really got me think about how precious life is and that we all need to live each day like it's our last.  We need to TELL our loved ones we love them and not just assume they already know, we need to make sure that each day we have lived our day so that at the end of it we can look back and smile, instead of being grumpy, angry, jealous, or desperate for need of something else.  Because you just never know when it will be your last.  So ask yourselves this, have I lived my day like its my last?  
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to enjoy it to the fullest.  I sure hope I can someone slow time down so December doesn't go by so quickly for me!    

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adventure Land

So I lied in my post that not much happened in July, I forgot that my mom and dad took us all to Adventureland, minus Curt plus Aunt Connie. We went the week after 4th of July and boy was it fun. I forgot all the things that there is to do for little kids. Bentley had a blast, in fact he threw his first visual fit I've seen him throw when he got of the semi-trucks and wanted to ride them again. In a way it was pretty cute.
Libbie was such a big help with him riding the rides, I was so proud of her. She made sure he was staying safe and having fun. He road the lady bugs, the tea cups, the balloons, there was so much the list just goes on.

He had so much fun he even got tired enough to take a nap in his stroller for over an hour. I was pretty impressed by this because it rarely happens. It was a great day with family and we hope next time that Daddy gets to come along. He had to miss out because he had to work.

Bentley 2012

Here are some pictures I found that I had the idea of posting. These all were around his birthday so they are from awhile ago. Pretty self explanatory enjoy!

Where oh Where has time gone?

It's been a while since I've last posted and boy time flys. I have to say I am not the best at sticking to something and following through. I can't believe it's been since April that I've posted about Bentley, partley because right now there isn't a lot of noticable changes and because I just can't find the time. I am not sure where to begin with this post because now that I look back we have actually done quite a bit.


We took our third tirp to flordia, second as a family of three. My parents have been going to florida for about four to five years now and Curt and I joined them in the summer of 2010. Last year Bentley got to go along when he was just 6 weeks old. My sister and her family got to join us as well. This year he was 1 and boy was it a blast. The whole family got to enjoy being in the sun and relaxation. Bentley LOVED the water and couldn't seem to get enough of it. Even when we took him to the beach he just seem to be in aww at the waves coming up to his feet. I thought we'd have some trouble with him wanting to eat the sand when we began to play in it, not hardly! He maybe tried to put it in his mouth once or twice but that was all. I have to say this trip was so awesome, Bentley was amazing in trasitioning from his home to an unfamilir environment. He was great on the plain rides and I just couldn't get over how well he adapted to all the change.

I also started working a different shift at work in June. I went from working 5 days a week to just three nights during the weekend. I now work 6:30 pm to 7:00 am Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That leaves me home with Bentley Tuesday-Friday. Mondays my sister takes him so I can sleep. At the beginning I thought this would be a perfect time to get him on a regular schedule of activities during the day so that he didn't just play by himself all day. I researched and googled all sorts of things and got exctited to start doing more routine things. This didn't work out well. Let me say I feel very lazy as a mother however Bentley seems quite content playiny by himself. (It's alot of work keeping a house clean, laundry kept up and caring for a child). I am still trying to be active on this, I won't give up.


We had a family get together for the 4th of July. Really put things in to perspective on how I've become a pretty laid back parent. I let Bentley freely play in the little kids pool WITH his clothes AND his SHOES on, and I didn't care!!

I was more worried that if I took his shoes off then he might step on a stick or something and get hurt. Bentley also loved the parade. His favorite part...the marching band!!! Grandma Cathi was pretty excited about this when we told her. I could not get over how into the drums he was. Maybe all get my rock star after all. Not much else happened in July, or at least nothing that I'm still remembering after all this time has past. My work schedule has me pretty messed up and I am finding I don't really care about the things I use to care about. All I focus on is spending as much time playing and being with Bentley during the week because come the weekend, I'm lucky if I see him. I am trying to become more devoted on keeping my friends and family update on life but that too is set aside most of the time. So here's to new journeys and goals!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just a Thought

"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did" When God takes something from your grasp. He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence. "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."

I received an e-mail the other day that had this in it, along with a cheesy line saying if you send this to 12 people something good will happen to you, yada yada yada. I didn't pay much attention to that part, and no I did not send it to 12 other people, partly because I don't think I even have 12 people in my address book. But I did find these quotes very inspiring. Oh the trust of God, still gets me wondering on a daily basis. To put the trust or think I have the better answers, that is the question. Anything can happen if you just, BELIEVE! Believe he will be there for you when you know now one else will? Believe He will protect you when the decision he makes for you is a bit to scary for you to handle on your own? Believe that he DOES have a plan for you and if you just allow it to happen everything will work out just how he wants it? Trust in someone that has no physical evidence of his being? I'd like to say I'm a believer and that I have put my trust into God and have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, but I feel I'm reminded on a daily basis how I'm still struggling on trusting him. How I am at the driver wheel peeling full speed ahead and living the life I think is best for me. Sometimes I OFTEN look back and yell "how'd that work out for you" reminding myself that I don't have the answers and that maybe my "choices" that I make in life aren't always the best ones to have made. It is my goal to start trusting in him and believing that I am not in control.

'God our father, watch over me today, take away all my worry and doubt. Sooth my soul and calm my fears. Amen'

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So in my husbands efforts to spend as much family time as his and my schedules allow, we have decided to start spending more time outside with Bentley doing different things.  Our original plan was to start having picnics, however this just didn't fit in well with our time schedules on the weekends so instead one weekend we went to Mariposa and the next weekend we went to Rock Creek.  Here are some pictures to share with you from our time at mariposa.  Bentley LOVES being outside.  He would spend all night and day if he could, poor thing even with his allergies (I think) they don't seem to bother him, even when his snot is so runny we have to wipe his nose so many times it gets raw.  

Watchin the Geese

Attempting  to lure the Geese in for some bread
Feeding Geese! 

Mommy and Me  Spring 2012 Bentley 1 years old

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fun in the Sun

 So here lately since it become nice, I have been motivated to get Bentley outside.  He loves to play outside, I think he would spend all day outside if he could.  I got him all dressed to play with his water table his Aunt Angie and Uncle Craig got him, one afternoon and he absolutely loved it.  I thought I'd share with you.  

So Here is a little detail of Bentley trying to get off the porch..... I was golden with the fact that he thought he could only stay on the brown porch, until he learned that He could slide off the side....But too cute watching him figure it out on his own.

What's that?

Let's see here....
Oooohhh the ground......
yea I'm standing on my two feet!

Get in!

Yep THIS is what I wanted!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whining, Weaning, and Winning

The last couple of weeks in our home have been an unusual successful mess.  After Bentley turned one Curt and I decided that it was time to start weaning him off his bottle and start giving him whole milk from a sippy cup.  We began by just taking away his bottles at my sisters house (daycare) and allow him to have his drinks form a sippy cup.  This was a very smooth transition since Angie had been giving him a sippy cup anyway.  She said that he would never really ask for it or need a bottle at her house.  So then I began with the night bottle.  At first I thought I would still give him a bottle and just start slowing giving him less and less milk each night, but then I thought that was more a hassle than not so I just put him night time milk in a sippy cup.  THREE nights is all it took and we are now bottle free and no more night time milk before bed!!!! WINNING!!!  I make sure to give him enough fluids during the day so he is still getting what he needs but no more bottle!  I can't believe how easy it has been and only look forward to how trying potty training and taking away the pacifier will be.  I'm assuming much harder but well see.
Over the last week Mr. Bentley has had a nasty ear infection and the whining in our house has increased 10 fold.  It's like nails dragging down a chalk board for me and sometimes I just feel bad for being so annoyed.  On one hand the poor boy can't help it, he doesn't feel good, and I can't imagine how much pain he must be in, on the other hand Bentley has no other way to communicate with me.  But I still just can't take the whining.  I try everything, medicine, juice, cuddling, leaving him be, try to distract him by getting him interested in playing, NOTHING works sometimes and its drives me NUTS.  I just wish there was some way he could tell me what it is that he needs or wants from me.  I know only too soon this time will come and I will be hoping for the later but for now, it would be nice and I think it would help me keep my sanity a little longer.  Also I think he might be going through a growth spurt because I swear this child would eat 24/7 if you let him.  Sat. morning I feel like he could of eaten me out of house and home.  He had his breakfast, then seem to still be hungry so I gave him a snack, then he wanted lunch then he was still going to the high chair and pointing to his mouth so he got a snack.  The poor boy didn't give up till he took his nap, luckily his tummy must have finally triggered to his brain that he was full because he seemed to calm down after that.
His ear infection seems to be slowing on the mend lets just hope it stays away and we don't have tubes in our future.    

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mr. Bentley is ONE!

Well we did it!!!  We pulled off a very successful 1st birthday party for Mr. Bentley.  With the help of our awesome parents and friends it all came together and turned out to be a fantastic day.  Bentley made out very well from all his friends and family with the gift.  From riding toys, beach supplies, water tables, clothes, and bath tub toys, this kid is set for summer!!!  Here are a few pictures that were captured from the day, hope you enjoy like we all did.

Mr. Bentley where can I start.  You are One Years OLD!!!  You are now walking more frequently in short spurts around the house and in public.  You still rely on crawling when your really determined to get somewhere that looks to far for you.  You have 9 teeth that are fully poked through and your in the process of 2 more poking through.  These two seem to be giving you the worse of trouble as far as runny nose and irritability.  They are your 1 year molars.  Looks like we shall make an appointment to see the dentist soon.  You are still getting three bottles a day but I'm going to be switching you over slowly to drinking whole milk and hopefully weening you off the bottle.  I think during the day you should be fine however I'm a little concerned with your night time bottle.  We shall see.  Your wearing size 3 diapers, 12 months pants and 18 month shirts.  You still love to throw balls, blocks, cars......ANYTHING.  Dad is still hoping you'll be a lefty but you do tend to switch back and forth so mom is hoping for both!  You eat very well, have since about 6 months old.  I am beginning to see you respond to different textures so that should be interesting finding out what you actually like and don't like.  You are clearly saying dada, mama, woof (for a dog bark), and sometimes I feel like you say "that" when you point to things.  Over the last couple of days I am hearing more babbling coming from you so you should be starting with more words soon.  At your party, I'm pretty sure you said "Amanda" when you wanted saved from the high chair during your cake eating.  Here is a short video to prove what I MIGHT have heard! :-)

I look forward to many more years to come Mr. Bentley.  You indeed have a wonderful personality and can't wait till you begin to become more independent.  I often wonder what like will be like for you.  Some advice I'd give you in the future for your child at the age of one:  There will be times when you just can't figure out what your child may want or need, you just have to let them cry it out and they will be okay.  There will be bumps and bruises, oh boy will there be bruises, this will be okay just pick them up give them hugs and kisses and try to comfort them as much as you can.  Share, share your time between grandparents, aunts and uncles, so that you can also get some time for your self and wife.  Always tell your child goodnight and that you love them.  It's okay to not always give them what they want, they will still love you 5 minutes from the time you told them no!

Well, this is it, One year down, hopefully many more to come, I love you kid, keep on keeping on!!!! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Be Careful what you Pray for........

Because God, he is GOOD! WONDERFUL, magnificent,  marvelous and extraordinary.  Let me just start by telling you about three years ago from this date I found myself praying to go to take my wheel and drive my boat because I just could not handle things any more.  I thought that I would decide to just give in to what everyone has told me and let God be my guide.  So I along with my family prayed.  We prayed that I would find myself happy and healthy with a family and a home.  And let me tell you......he delivered!  In April/May of 2009 I found a Realtor friend began looking at houses, May 17th 2009 I met the love of my life, July 09, I Tara WEBSTER owed a house, Sept I moved into MY house with my amazing man Curt, to live what we thought the happy still getting to know each other couple under one roof.  July 2010, Curt purposed to me planning to get married the FOLLOWING summer in 2011.  NOPE fault all plans, in just 9 short months we are going to have a baby! SO we got married in Dec. 2010, had Bentley in 2011, and now my friends brings me to my point.
Curt and I know that we do not want to stay in our house that we currently live in, in fact had I known how my next three years would be I would have not choose this house to begin with.  It's a perfect house, for a small family!  Or even a family with no children!  So we knew we were going to be wanting to THINK about selling AFTER July 2012 because we are in a deal telling us we can't sell before then.  So we(I) pray that when and if we ever decide that we want to sell that the market will be at a point where we won't have to hassle with having our home on the market for years and years.  My friend Realtor texted me on Monday asking me how serious I was to sell my house.  After much back and forth, he showed our house to a interested client of his.  Needless to say the client was interested and wants to show his wife on Friday morning!  Here is were it all begins, you see God must know that I can handle stressful situations because I feel that we may be on our next journey.  I know that this is just the start, and that this "looking at the house" may turn into being absolutely nothing but I am also going to be careful what I pray about in the next couple of years because I really want to be able to enjoy these milestones with my family and not live life on a roller coaster so that I miss the enjoyment out of things.  I will keep you updated as far as the house goes, like I said I'm not going to get overly excited about this, but it does prove that good things do and can happen!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Almost 1!

So I'm sitting here, suppose to be working, but I'm not.  Were slow, the sun isn't shinning, and I'm starting to get tired to the point that I just want to close the door and lay my head down on this desk in front of me.  Then I started to look back at all the pictures of Bentley from the time he was born to the most recent.  Our son is gorgeous!  Curt and I have been very blessed with this little guy and I thank the lord everyday for what he has provided us with.  Sometimes I get in these moods where I feel all I have to do is complain.  Money is tight, I don't get to buy nice things, new clothes, or what I "want", heck we barely even have enough to provide ourselves with the things we NEED.  I'm over weight and don't feel comfortable with "me".  Just when I think I get motivated to start a work out routine something happens and my time gets screwed up, then the motivation is, GONE.  There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do everything I really need/want to do.  But among it all I remember Bentley, and the saying "We may not have it all together, but together we have it ALL"   I want to put this saying somewhere in my house, somewhere BIG so I can be reminded everyday that even though I stress about materialistic things I should not worry because I have a family who loves me and that's really all that matters.
Bentley will be turning one on April 14th, 2012.  ONE, where oh where has the last year gone?  During his first year of his life he has learned so much and is so smart it kills me.  Bentley is now taking 3-5 steps all on his own toward things he really is motivated for.  After the 4th or 5th step he gets to excited and just falls flat on his face!  But he keeps going and doesn't get discouraged.  One of these days he is just going to walk completely to where he wants to go and then it will be all over from there.  He can say dada, ma, dat (that), and he signs more, please, and eat.  He LOVES to close doors, I can't seem to keep them open.  He is really into our animals, however the animals just haven't given in and they are totally not into him.  It breaks my heart every time he screams and crawls after Precious our cat, and gets right up close enough to touch until Precious bolts and is out of there.  He likes to play with balls, bouncing, rolling, throwing, no matter what.  He will even throw it on the ground, and crawl after it just to pick it up and throw it again.  He eats pretty much anything mommy and daddy eats.  Grandma Betty has given him milk and He has gotten a Popsicle from Grandma Cathi.  I'm not sure what his favorite thing is, maybe pudding or jello.  He is growing out of his clothes faster than I can keep them stocked.  Right now were waiting for his Birthday party before we have to take inventory on what we need for him.  I'm preparing myself that this is NOT going to be easy as he continues to grow.  We are running out of hand me downs and our pocket books are EMPTY!!!  Bentley really enjoys spending his time outside!  Mom even let him try leaves for the first time.  Don't think he liked them. LOL (Funny story break, I was raking out my flower garden and trying to keep the best eye on him while still getting my own thing done.  He was doing so well.  I would talk to him and turn to look at him.  He was exploring and looking around, staying on his blanket.  Things were so good!  Then i turned around and he had eaten a leaf, I didn't budge.  Looking back I'm surprised that I just let him eat it once but at the time I was thinking no big deal, eh it wont kill him.  After that though anytime he brought a leaf to his mouth I would make a big deal about it being yucky and he seemed to be rather entertained by this, it then became a game (ah what did i get myself into).  Then I continued on with my raking and looked back a final time, he had gained faith and crawled off the blanket and found mud! That was it I dropped everything and took him in the house and washed out his mouth.  I didn't finish raking that night).  Okay so back to Bently, did I mention that he's beginning to walk? Yeah I don't think I'm ready for that.  He knows everywhere he seems to NOT need to be in and he will continue to go there no matter how many times I take him away and distract him with toys.  God please grant me enough money this next pay check to purchase a baby gate!  Maybe that will allow me to keep some insanity while he is exploring and learning his environment.  I am amazed at how fast he picks something up and then uses it in his daily life.  I taught him how to sign please in 1.5 days and now he uses it 95% of the time.  There are still times that he grunts at me thinking that he is a caveman and he's going to get what he wants, but we just remind him and hes good to go.  This is getting pretty long, so forgive me, I know I haven't written in awhile but I did want to get down most of what is happening with Bentley.  OH one more thing, he's sleeping like a champ still.  lays down on his own anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 and sleeps through the night.  If he does happen to wake up he will cry himself back to sleep within 5 minutes.  I could not be more blessed!! I love him and I can't wait for the years to come!!!!    

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Root Root Root for the CUBBIES

Here is our little baseball player.........
I'm not to sure what it is about the red and blue but it sure looks good on my son (sorry I'm boasting).  He is just too darn cute for words.  This is his daddy, we went up to see his one of his new baby cousins Drayton.
Bentley will be 1 years old in one month and I'm still beside myself.  I just wanted to share this sweet photo with you all.  Hope everyone is enjoying the weather.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

First ER visit or should I say eeeerrrrrrr visit?!?!

So Curt and I spent out night in the ER.  Lesson learned: I will NOT take my son to the skiff ER unless there is absolutely no other option.  Let me start with the beginning.  As you read from the previous post Bentley has been sick since Thursday Feb. 16th Bentley began to have a cough deep in his chest.  Curt wanted to take him to the doctor then but I refused because it "wasn't that bad".  We went all weekend with him coughing and being stuffy and Saturday night be started to run a fever of 100.  This is also when the draining began and we had a snotty nose to deal with.  I stayed home from work on Monday and took Mr. Bentley to see Dr. Frost and he thought he seen what might have been the start of some ear infection.  He seemed to feel that his lungs sounded good and also couldn't tell if the runny nose was from sinuses or if his throat was red because Bentley wasn't cooperating.  He gave us an antibiotic and told us to give him benadryl to dry up his nose along with Tylenol when needed for his fever.  Last night marked 48 hrs of being on the antibiotic and things seemed to have gotten worse.  Bentley's fever spiked up to 102 degrees, he was having more difficulty breathing, taking more quick short breaths rather than his stuffed up nose breaths I'd been use to.  My dad said that he had slept the majority of the day and just really presented as not feeling well.  My mother took his temp on her lunch hour and he had a slight fever of 99 degrees.  He was sleeping when I went to pick him up and when we got home he was awake and played a little but still didn't seem himself.  He crawled up to me and sat on my lap and took a cat nap until Daisy woke him up got down played a little bit longer then crawled back over to me at about 4:30.  I took him to lay down with me in bed and he slept for another hour which seemed odd since he had already had his afternoon nap.  During his sleep he had very short shallow breathing, I was uneasy about this.  When he woke up he also was burning up and after taking his temp. I decided that he needed to be seen by a doctor.  Since the clinic was closed that left me with one option in Newton and that was the ER.  I was so uneasy I didn't know what to do,  I knew going to the ER was going to be a lot of money and I wasn't sure if he even needed to go that far to being checked into since it wasn't really truly an emergency.  But after a couple minutes of stewing and a phone all to my mother I gave in and when Curt got home we took him up.  6:15 was the time on the clock when we sat down in the waiting room.  This is where we waited and waited and oh you guessed it waited.  We waited so long that I was starting to second guess even going and we had planned that if we seen 7:30 on the clock we would leave.  At 7:15 we finally got called back by the nurse and she took all his vitals and got information from us.  we still didn't see the doctor till around 8.  Then he came in for about 3 seconds and wanted us to go and get his antibiotic to make sure what it exactly was.  Luckily Curt's Mom had came so she was able to do us the favor and go get it from home.  He did order a chest xr and lab work so we first went to get his x ray which wasn't fun.  They had this funny little contraption where Curt had to lift his arms above his head while they took the picture.  He looked helpless and scared.  Then another traumatic time came when the lab tried to get blood for a culture.  She tried twice and was unsuccessful both times.  She finally settled for a finger poke to at least learn what his white cell count was.  After all that The doctor came back in around 8:45 and spoke maybe ten sentences to us, I'm sure it would have just been 3 had Curt not asked his questions about the new medication he was giving us.  The doc ended up giving us a stronger antibiotic.  All in all I guess it wasn't to terrible of a deal.  We learned that he was in the on set stages of pneumonia and his white cell count was elevated just a tad.  When we got home he finally drank some bottle and I gave him some chocolate pudding.  He slept through the night but I felt terrible leaving for work this morning.  I just wanted to stay home and cuddle with him.  Sometimes, it just plain sucks having to be a responsible adult.  I was just so frustrated at the lack of contact or communication from the doctor.  He didn't even look into his ears and he had the nurse gives us information on ear infection.  How does he know he has ear infection if he didn't look in his ears......oh wait I TOLD HIM so therefore I am the one that is smart and sounds like I know it all!!!!  Just sayin! :-)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wheres the time going?!?!

Bentley is now 10 months old, that means in 2 months, ~ 7 1/2 weeks ~ 53 days, he will be 1 YEARS OLD!!!!!!  I am just beside myself and I can't believe how fast its going.  That means I only have this amount of time to plan a birthday party for a fantastic little boy.  Now this is only half the time I had to plan my wedding so it can in deed be done.  I just have to decide what theme I want to go with, That's always the hardest part.  What do you do for a little boy who really won't remember any thing from his 1st birthday?  How elaborate do you go for your family and guests?  Should I go all out or just stay simple?  UGH this is the part of the planning I JUST DON"T LIKE.  I wish I could be rich and just hire someone to take care of EVERYTHING for me.  All I would need to do is provide the cute little boy and all the wonderful people! LOL YEAH RIGHT, it this crazy money hungry world, not going to happen.  So that leaves me to rely on my family and friends to help keep me sane through this crazy time. 

Here are Bentley's most recent pictures for his 9 months.  I thought I'd share them with you all while I had the chance.  I know I'm way behind but better late then never.  (Give me a break people I've been married for little over a year and still don't have pictures printed) UGH


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Doctors Visit

Well, Feb. 7th, 2012 we finally after almost 10 months, had our first doctors visit for being sick.  Bentley started out on Thursday with a runny nose and congestion.  I immediately thought it was from teething and went along with my business.  All weekend we Vick's him up, ran the humidifier, and gave him Tylenol at night for the extra boost to help him sleep.  On Monday he began to "sound" sick.  Bear coughing and it began to effect his voice.  The congestion at night was getting much worse and he just was miserable.  Tuesday morning Curt said that when he woke up he had a bunch of crud in this chest/throat and once he coughed a couple of times it went away and we went about his own business and played.  Curt took him to daycare thinking this were okay, he wasn't running a fever so why not.  When I picked him up Chelsea had said that he had a rough morning and after a 2 hour nap his afternoon was a little better.  He woke up from his nap with the same sound and she said she was going to call me until he coughed and it went away.  When I got home I called the nurse at the clinic and she said it wouldn't hurt to bring him in.  So we did........I am not officially on the paranoid mom's list for bringing her son in when there wasn't a darn thing wrong with him.  Not that it's a bad thing mind you but there was nothing to terrible wrong (which is wonderful news) so I feel like we wasted the doctor's time.  But he did get passed around the office because they couldnt' get over how cute he was.  That's always a plus.  We were sent home with instructions to love him up, cuddle him when he was cuddled, let him down when he wants to play, give him lots of fluids and give him Tylenol for the aches.  So we did just that and he was in bed by 8, he slept most of the night only getting up once but was able to settle back into his own bed around 3 and dad stayed home with him today.  I just feel so hopeless for him when he doesn't feel well.  The poor thing!  Hope he gets better soon!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Choices God makes for me

So, I'm beginning to become a little anxious about the decisions that might be happening for me. 
First things first, I love my job, I work at Mercy Medical Center as an Health Care Access Rep and could not be more excited with it.  I enjoy the people I work with, the hours are beginning to complement my lifestyle, the pay is decent and bottom line, minus the gossip and drama sometimes, its STRESS FREE!!!!
About two or three weeks ago I was presented with an opportunity that could effect my life in a major way.  There was a job opening for a position that is in my field and in town!  There are lots of pros and CONS to this position and I've kind of struggled with knowing that right answers.  I've prayed about it and talked about it with my husband and I decided to submit my application to see where it took me.  Well, I'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow morning.  I have mixed emotions to be very honest with you.  I'm excited for the possible new journey, the pay is outstanding, benefits can't pass up, and the people I would work with are beyond AWESOME!!  However, it will open up the opportunity for my stress levels to be OUT OF THE ROOF, possible late nights sometimes, extra worry about things that are out of my control, and deadlines.  Now I understand that most jobs require deadlines, however that's one thing at Mercy that is pretty amazing, no deadlines.  In fact if I dont' get something done it WILL NOT be sitting waiting for me the next day.  Someone else helps me out and finishes it for me.  The anxious part comes from not wanting to leave a company that has treated me well.  I am usually the type of person that does not like quitting something, especially if there is nothing wrong, and that would be exactly what I will be doing. 
I just need to continue to pray and what god decides with was will be the best decision for me and my family.  Wish me luck to the next possible chapter in my (our) life.  I also need to remember that I no longer am making decisions for just myself, I have a FAMILY to think about!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Zumba, ZUMBA!!!!

So I went home from work last night (afternoon) and just felt like doing SOMETHING!  Bentley was being pretty good crawling around and exploring so I popped in my mom's work out video of Zumba to give it a try!!

Or should I say it gave ME a try?!?!?  Just 20 minutes and I was working up a sweat, breathing hard, and man o man did my legs BURN!!   But the music was great, the energy was amazing....even Mr. B got into the rhythm and joined me.  I felt fantastic afterwards and most importantly I feel Fantastic today!!!!  I have so much energy, I was excited to get out of bed and start my day and can't wait to get home and do some more. 

I have joined the Live Healthy Iowa ban and working hard for my team at work!  I WILL GET HEALTHY so that I can enjoy my son and get fit so I'm not so tired all the time! I joined Weight Watchers about a month ago and after much frustration, I am finally starting to see some (even minimal) results and it feels good.  I am finally seeing my hard work pay off.  I challenge you to start drinking water, that's been my most success in all this and has made me feel the greatest. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


DRUM ROLL............NIGHT heard me THREE that Bentley has fell asleep ON HIS OWN.......A week ago Curt and I began the challenge of getting Mr. Bentley to fall asleep on his own and by golly last night I laid him in his crib and he cried out for MAYBE 30 seconds and fell asleep on his own!   Better yet, he slept all night long with out waking up.  I slept so good I woke up late and was late for work this morning.  I am so proud of him and my husband and myself.  All it really took was one or two really bad nights of him crying and now its been amazing.  I know that he won't ALWAYS be this cooperative, but it has been amazing while he has. 

Thanks for following our sleep challenge and I keep you updated with any changes. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sleep Challenge

So I must say, we are on night 5 of our challenge to get Bentley to sleep through the night.  I am impressed with Curt and my ability to work together and communicate through this!  Bentley has not been in our bed for FOUR nights~ and even though he has woke up every single night I am have nothing to complain about.  Night two Curt came to the rescue and gained major points in the husband/father of the year award.  Bentley only took a 40 minute nap at daycare so I kept him up after I got home in hopes that he would be so tired that he would be more likely to put himself to sleep.  It worked, he fell asleep while drinking him bottle.  I put him to bed about 20 minutes later and he stayed asleep until 2 in the morning when he woke up.  I went in right away, forgetting about our plan because I was so tired, and gave him his pacifier.  Finally realizing what I needed to do I went back to be and left him to cry.  8 minutes went by and I went into console him and lay him back down.  He wasn't having it so I left him again this time, 15 minutes.  I couldn't handle it so I went into pat him on the butt, as long as I had my hand on him he was fine, shortly after Curt came in to relieve me because i had to be up in one hour he had his pillow and blanket and laid on the floor next to the crib with his hand on Bentley.  THIS WORKED! Curt said he stayed for about 5-10 minutes and was back in bed.  Bentley slept all the way into the morning around 7.  This was about how night three went as well.  Last night we gained courage and let him cry for 1 hour  and when I went into put his pacifier back in all it took was about three minutes and he slept till the morning.  So Far things are going well.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Night one:  FAIL  and i wouldn't say on my son's account but more on the mother's.  I had stated to my husband yesterday after being at the doctors, "no more bringing Bentley to bed with us, NO matter what".  Bentley went to bed on his own around 7:30 after his bath.  The poor thing was so tired he almost fell asleep to me brushing his hair.  So instead of giving him his bottle I took advantage of the situation and laid him down.  He was out within 5 minutes.  SUCCESS, until 10:30 when he woke up SCREAMING.  I was in bed already and my poor husband was just practicing what we had talked about, until I scram out the bedroom door and yell "you could at least comfort him for crying out loud!"  Remind you we had just talked about this before going to sleep that night.  So I decide after a few minutes of not being able to calm Bentley down that I too would try to ignore the screaming and go back to bed.  I woke up an hour later to him STILL screaming.  This time I was hott!  So i jump out of bed and yell some profanity (not real proud of this moment) and go and get my son.  Curt was so kindly sitting next to Bentley's crib TRYING to console him but nothing was working.  So Frustrated, I yell at curt to feed him and go back to bed.  This is such a shameful experience for me because clearly I was taking out my frustrations on him.  SO this story is not even close to being finished.  At 2:30 Bentley yet again wakes up with a blood curdle scream and I jump out of bed to his rescue.  (which remind you I decided that WE weren't going to do)  I try to console him and he acts tired and lays down but as soon as I lift my hand off he raises his head and is awake.  With regrets I reach in and grab him and he lays his head down on my shoulder.  I decide I'll go and sit with him in the chair to avoid taking him to the bed with me.  He lays with eyes wide awake and stares at me.  I look at the clock and realize i need to be up in 45 minutes so I tried to lay him back down and he yet again cried.  SO end result Bentley ended up in bed with us at 3:15.  Equals BIG FAILURE!!!   Here's to another night of madness!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bring on the New Year!

A little late but I wanted to start this year off by wishing everyone a well and healthy year!

Bentley is turning 9 months old this month and I honestly am in shock. I do not understand where the time has gone because I honestly feel that we were just bringing him home. He has 7 full teeth and I looked last night and he is getting his fourth tooth on the bottom. He is primarily eating regular foods, what mom and dad, or GRANDMA BETTY, eats. LOL, my mom LOVES to feed him, she fed him his first beats about a month ago and it went down hill ever since. He sometimes refuses to eat purred foods because he likes to be able to chew. He started pulling himself up to things around New Years Day and he is getting stronger everyday. I watch him in amazement everyday when he plays because he learns something new to do with the same toy in a matter of minutes. He loves to explore and find the places he is NOT suppose to be in. Since my sister Angie is no longer watching him due to her maternity leave he has been going over to my good friend Chelsea's house and he is learning even more being around her two boys. He talks (babbles) more, seems more sociable or interacting more. I have fully enjoyed watching our baby grow these past nine months and can't wait for many more to come.

Curt and I are doing well. He is working in Ankeny and I am still at Mercy going between the Mercy West Lakes Hospital and the Main one. This has cause a little strain on our finances but we make it work. For the first time in awhile we went out with our friends to watch the Iowa Bowl game at Four Season's. I had the best time catching up with Amy, Lacey, Brett, Richard, and many more friends. It gets so difficult to make plans and go out. One for the money and two missing and being away from our son when we feel its our responsibility to be with him. But he did amazing on his first night away. In fact probably better than a normal night in our house.

So that's us in a nut shell and things that have been going on, I wish everyone a great year and hope they can all have good memories to share!