Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So What that I have only remembered to write SWW because my wonderful friend Sabrina kindly reminded me!  I only have 2 and a half hours left of SWW so I better have gotten started!

So what that I made a big to do about us not getting snow and it's currently falling faster than I'd expected.  I always get a kick out of how the news stations make a huge thing about ALL THIS SNOW/RAIN we are going to get and to PREPARE yourself for the BIG STORM!!!! and then 90% of the time they are dead WRONG!!!

So what that I just now realized Christmas is 6 days away.  I have 92% of my shopping done, all I have been focused on is cleaning for our Christmas guest both Monday and Wednesday nights, I'm trying not to think about it because I don't find it's necessary to stress around the holidays, it's such a downer.

So what that I now get excited for the advertiser to come so I can check out the coupon deals and to see what I can buy just to get more cents off my next fill on gas!

So what that yesterday I put my son in his crib in the afternoon just because I couldn't take his whining anymore.  He's been sick and far to clingy for the things I need to do around the house!  I know, I know I sound and feel like a horrible mother, but apparently he needed a break to because he didn't make a peep and I thought he was asleep but when I went to go check on him about 15 minutes later, he was playing with his feet seeming to be happy!

So what that I haven't planned on what I'm making for Christmas dinner with my family or with Curt's family. There's still PLENTY of

Well that's all I've got for tonight, until next time friends!!  Night Night

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