Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Choices God makes for me

So, I'm beginning to become a little anxious about the decisions that might be happening for me. 
First things first, I love my job, I work at Mercy Medical Center as an Health Care Access Rep and could not be more excited with it.  I enjoy the people I work with, the hours are beginning to complement my lifestyle, the pay is decent and bottom line, minus the gossip and drama sometimes, its STRESS FREE!!!!
About two or three weeks ago I was presented with an opportunity that could effect my life in a major way.  There was a job opening for a position that is in my field and in town!  There are lots of pros and CONS to this position and I've kind of struggled with knowing that right answers.  I've prayed about it and talked about it with my husband and I decided to submit my application to see where it took me.  Well, I'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow morning.  I have mixed emotions to be very honest with you.  I'm excited for the possible new journey, the pay is outstanding, benefits can't pass up, and the people I would work with are beyond AWESOME!!  However, it will open up the opportunity for my stress levels to be OUT OF THE ROOF, possible late nights sometimes, extra worry about things that are out of my control, and deadlines.  Now I understand that most jobs require deadlines, however that's one thing at Mercy that is pretty amazing, no deadlines.  In fact if I dont' get something done it WILL NOT be sitting waiting for me the next day.  Someone else helps me out and finishes it for me.  The anxious part comes from not wanting to leave a company that has treated me well.  I am usually the type of person that does not like quitting something, especially if there is nothing wrong, and that would be exactly what I will be doing. 
I just need to continue to pray and what god decides with was will be the best decision for me and my family.  Wish me luck to the next possible chapter in my (our) life.  I also need to remember that I no longer am making decisions for just myself, I have a FAMILY to think about!!!


  1. How did your interview go? I have been praying for you and your big decision. Lots of Love, B

  2. it went well.....still waiting i'll keep ya posted!
