Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whining, Weaning, and Winning

The last couple of weeks in our home have been an unusual successful mess.  After Bentley turned one Curt and I decided that it was time to start weaning him off his bottle and start giving him whole milk from a sippy cup.  We began by just taking away his bottles at my sisters house (daycare) and allow him to have his drinks form a sippy cup.  This was a very smooth transition since Angie had been giving him a sippy cup anyway.  She said that he would never really ask for it or need a bottle at her house.  So then I began with the night bottle.  At first I thought I would still give him a bottle and just start slowing giving him less and less milk each night, but then I thought that was more a hassle than not so I just put him night time milk in a sippy cup.  THREE nights is all it took and we are now bottle free and no more night time milk before bed!!!! WINNING!!!  I make sure to give him enough fluids during the day so he is still getting what he needs but no more bottle!  I can't believe how easy it has been and only look forward to how trying potty training and taking away the pacifier will be.  I'm assuming much harder but well see.
Over the last week Mr. Bentley has had a nasty ear infection and the whining in our house has increased 10 fold.  It's like nails dragging down a chalk board for me and sometimes I just feel bad for being so annoyed.  On one hand the poor boy can't help it, he doesn't feel good, and I can't imagine how much pain he must be in, on the other hand Bentley has no other way to communicate with me.  But I still just can't take the whining.  I try everything, medicine, juice, cuddling, leaving him be, try to distract him by getting him interested in playing, NOTHING works sometimes and its drives me NUTS.  I just wish there was some way he could tell me what it is that he needs or wants from me.  I know only too soon this time will come and I will be hoping for the later but for now, it would be nice and I think it would help me keep my sanity a little longer.  Also I think he might be going through a growth spurt because I swear this child would eat 24/7 if you let him.  Sat. morning I feel like he could of eaten me out of house and home.  He had his breakfast, then seem to still be hungry so I gave him a snack, then he wanted lunch then he was still going to the high chair and pointing to his mouth so he got a snack.  The poor boy didn't give up till he took his nap, luckily his tummy must have finally triggered to his brain that he was full because he seemed to calm down after that.
His ear infection seems to be slowing on the mend lets just hope it stays away and we don't have tubes in our future.    

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