Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Almost 1!

So I'm sitting here, suppose to be working, but I'm not.  Were slow, the sun isn't shinning, and I'm starting to get tired to the point that I just want to close the door and lay my head down on this desk in front of me.  Then I started to look back at all the pictures of Bentley from the time he was born to the most recent.  Our son is gorgeous!  Curt and I have been very blessed with this little guy and I thank the lord everyday for what he has provided us with.  Sometimes I get in these moods where I feel all I have to do is complain.  Money is tight, I don't get to buy nice things, new clothes, or what I "want", heck we barely even have enough to provide ourselves with the things we NEED.  I'm over weight and don't feel comfortable with "me".  Just when I think I get motivated to start a work out routine something happens and my time gets screwed up, then the motivation is, GONE.  There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do everything I really need/want to do.  But among it all I remember Bentley, and the saying "We may not have it all together, but together we have it ALL"   I want to put this saying somewhere in my house, somewhere BIG so I can be reminded everyday that even though I stress about materialistic things I should not worry because I have a family who loves me and that's really all that matters.
Bentley will be turning one on April 14th, 2012.  ONE, where oh where has the last year gone?  During his first year of his life he has learned so much and is so smart it kills me.  Bentley is now taking 3-5 steps all on his own toward things he really is motivated for.  After the 4th or 5th step he gets to excited and just falls flat on his face!  But he keeps going and doesn't get discouraged.  One of these days he is just going to walk completely to where he wants to go and then it will be all over from there.  He can say dada, ma, dat (that), and he signs more, please, and eat.  He LOVES to close doors, I can't seem to keep them open.  He is really into our animals, however the animals just haven't given in and they are totally not into him.  It breaks my heart every time he screams and crawls after Precious our cat, and gets right up close enough to touch until Precious bolts and is out of there.  He likes to play with balls, bouncing, rolling, throwing, no matter what.  He will even throw it on the ground, and crawl after it just to pick it up and throw it again.  He eats pretty much anything mommy and daddy eats.  Grandma Betty has given him milk and He has gotten a Popsicle from Grandma Cathi.  I'm not sure what his favorite thing is, maybe pudding or jello.  He is growing out of his clothes faster than I can keep them stocked.  Right now were waiting for his Birthday party before we have to take inventory on what we need for him.  I'm preparing myself that this is NOT going to be easy as he continues to grow.  We are running out of hand me downs and our pocket books are EMPTY!!!  Bentley really enjoys spending his time outside!  Mom even let him try leaves for the first time.  Don't think he liked them. LOL (Funny story break, I was raking out my flower garden and trying to keep the best eye on him while still getting my own thing done.  He was doing so well.  I would talk to him and turn to look at him.  He was exploring and looking around, staying on his blanket.  Things were so good!  Then i turned around and he had eaten a leaf, I didn't budge.  Looking back I'm surprised that I just let him eat it once but at the time I was thinking no big deal, eh it wont kill him.  After that though anytime he brought a leaf to his mouth I would make a big deal about it being yucky and he seemed to be rather entertained by this, it then became a game (ah what did i get myself into).  Then I continued on with my raking and looked back a final time, he had gained faith and crawled off the blanket and found mud! That was it I dropped everything and took him in the house and washed out his mouth.  I didn't finish raking that night).  Okay so back to Bently, did I mention that he's beginning to walk? Yeah I don't think I'm ready for that.  He knows everywhere he seems to NOT need to be in and he will continue to go there no matter how many times I take him away and distract him with toys.  God please grant me enough money this next pay check to purchase a baby gate!  Maybe that will allow me to keep some insanity while he is exploring and learning his environment.  I am amazed at how fast he picks something up and then uses it in his daily life.  I taught him how to sign please in 1.5 days and now he uses it 95% of the time.  There are still times that he grunts at me thinking that he is a caveman and he's going to get what he wants, but we just remind him and hes good to go.  This is getting pretty long, so forgive me, I know I haven't written in awhile but I did want to get down most of what is happening with Bentley.  OH one more thing, he's sleeping like a champ still.  lays down on his own anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 and sleeps through the night.  If he does happen to wake up he will cry himself back to sleep within 5 minutes.  I could not be more blessed!! I love him and I can't wait for the years to come!!!!    

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