Wednesday, January 25, 2012


DRUM ROLL............NIGHT heard me THREE that Bentley has fell asleep ON HIS OWN.......A week ago Curt and I began the challenge of getting Mr. Bentley to fall asleep on his own and by golly last night I laid him in his crib and he cried out for MAYBE 30 seconds and fell asleep on his own!   Better yet, he slept all night long with out waking up.  I slept so good I woke up late and was late for work this morning.  I am so proud of him and my husband and myself.  All it really took was one or two really bad nights of him crying and now its been amazing.  I know that he won't ALWAYS be this cooperative, but it has been amazing while he has. 

Thanks for following our sleep challenge and I keep you updated with any changes. 

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