Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sleep Challenge

So I must say, we are on night 5 of our challenge to get Bentley to sleep through the night.  I am impressed with Curt and my ability to work together and communicate through this!  Bentley has not been in our bed for FOUR nights~ and even though he has woke up every single night I am have nothing to complain about.  Night two Curt came to the rescue and gained major points in the husband/father of the year award.  Bentley only took a 40 minute nap at daycare so I kept him up after I got home in hopes that he would be so tired that he would be more likely to put himself to sleep.  It worked, he fell asleep while drinking him bottle.  I put him to bed about 20 minutes later and he stayed asleep until 2 in the morning when he woke up.  I went in right away, forgetting about our plan because I was so tired, and gave him his pacifier.  Finally realizing what I needed to do I went back to be and left him to cry.  8 minutes went by and I went into console him and lay him back down.  He wasn't having it so I left him again this time, 15 minutes.  I couldn't handle it so I went into pat him on the butt, as long as I had my hand on him he was fine, shortly after Curt came in to relieve me because i had to be up in one hour he had his pillow and blanket and laid on the floor next to the crib with his hand on Bentley.  THIS WORKED! Curt said he stayed for about 5-10 minutes and was back in bed.  Bentley slept all the way into the morning around 7.  This was about how night three went as well.  Last night we gained courage and let him cry for 1 hour  and when I went into put his pacifier back in all it took was about three minutes and he slept till the morning.  So Far things are going well.  

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