Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Doctors Visit

Well, Feb. 7th, 2012 we finally after almost 10 months, had our first doctors visit for being sick.  Bentley started out on Thursday with a runny nose and congestion.  I immediately thought it was from teething and went along with my business.  All weekend we Vick's him up, ran the humidifier, and gave him Tylenol at night for the extra boost to help him sleep.  On Monday he began to "sound" sick.  Bear coughing and it began to effect his voice.  The congestion at night was getting much worse and he just was miserable.  Tuesday morning Curt said that when he woke up he had a bunch of crud in this chest/throat and once he coughed a couple of times it went away and we went about his own business and played.  Curt took him to daycare thinking this were okay, he wasn't running a fever so why not.  When I picked him up Chelsea had said that he had a rough morning and after a 2 hour nap his afternoon was a little better.  He woke up from his nap with the same sound and she said she was going to call me until he coughed and it went away.  When I got home I called the nurse at the clinic and she said it wouldn't hurt to bring him in.  So we did........I am not officially on the paranoid mom's list for bringing her son in when there wasn't a darn thing wrong with him.  Not that it's a bad thing mind you but there was nothing to terrible wrong (which is wonderful news) so I feel like we wasted the doctor's time.  But he did get passed around the office because they couldnt' get over how cute he was.  That's always a plus.  We were sent home with instructions to love him up, cuddle him when he was cuddled, let him down when he wants to play, give him lots of fluids and give him Tylenol for the aches.  So we did just that and he was in bed by 8, he slept most of the night only getting up once but was able to settle back into his own bed around 3 and dad stayed home with him today.  I just feel so hopeless for him when he doesn't feel well.  The poor thing!  Hope he gets better soon!!

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