Thursday, May 24, 2012


So in my husbands efforts to spend as much family time as his and my schedules allow, we have decided to start spending more time outside with Bentley doing different things.  Our original plan was to start having picnics, however this just didn't fit in well with our time schedules on the weekends so instead one weekend we went to Mariposa and the next weekend we went to Rock Creek.  Here are some pictures to share with you from our time at mariposa.  Bentley LOVES being outside.  He would spend all night and day if he could, poor thing even with his allergies (I think) they don't seem to bother him, even when his snot is so runny we have to wipe his nose so many times it gets raw.  

Watchin the Geese

Attempting  to lure the Geese in for some bread
Feeding Geese! 

Mommy and Me  Spring 2012 Bentley 1 years old

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