Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Night one:  FAIL  and i wouldn't say on my son's account but more on the mother's.  I had stated to my husband yesterday after being at the doctors, "no more bringing Bentley to bed with us, NO matter what".  Bentley went to bed on his own around 7:30 after his bath.  The poor thing was so tired he almost fell asleep to me brushing his hair.  So instead of giving him his bottle I took advantage of the situation and laid him down.  He was out within 5 minutes.  SUCCESS, until 10:30 when he woke up SCREAMING.  I was in bed already and my poor husband was just practicing what we had talked about, until I scram out the bedroom door and yell "you could at least comfort him for crying out loud!"  Remind you we had just talked about this before going to sleep that night.  So I decide after a few minutes of not being able to calm Bentley down that I too would try to ignore the screaming and go back to bed.  I woke up an hour later to him STILL screaming.  This time I was hott!  So i jump out of bed and yell some profanity (not real proud of this moment) and go and get my son.  Curt was so kindly sitting next to Bentley's crib TRYING to console him but nothing was working.  So Frustrated, I yell at curt to feed him and go back to bed.  This is such a shameful experience for me because clearly I was taking out my frustrations on him.  SO this story is not even close to being finished.  At 2:30 Bentley yet again wakes up with a blood curdle scream and I jump out of bed to his rescue.  (which remind you I decided that WE weren't going to do)  I try to console him and he acts tired and lays down but as soon as I lift my hand off he raises his head and is awake.  With regrets I reach in and grab him and he lays his head down on my shoulder.  I decide I'll go and sit with him in the chair to avoid taking him to the bed with me.  He lays with eyes wide awake and stares at me.  I look at the clock and realize i need to be up in 45 minutes so I tried to lay him back down and he yet again cried.  SO end result Bentley ended up in bed with us at 3:15.  Equals BIG FAILURE!!!   Here's to another night of madness!

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