Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wheres the time going?!?!

Bentley is now 10 months old, that means in 2 months, ~ 7 1/2 weeks ~ 53 days, he will be 1 YEARS OLD!!!!!!  I am just beside myself and I can't believe how fast its going.  That means I only have this amount of time to plan a birthday party for a fantastic little boy.  Now this is only half the time I had to plan my wedding so it can in deed be done.  I just have to decide what theme I want to go with, That's always the hardest part.  What do you do for a little boy who really won't remember any thing from his 1st birthday?  How elaborate do you go for your family and guests?  Should I go all out or just stay simple?  UGH this is the part of the planning I JUST DON"T LIKE.  I wish I could be rich and just hire someone to take care of EVERYTHING for me.  All I would need to do is provide the cute little boy and all the wonderful people! LOL YEAH RIGHT, it this crazy money hungry world, not going to happen.  So that leaves me to rely on my family and friends to help keep me sane through this crazy time. 

Here are Bentley's most recent pictures for his 9 months.  I thought I'd share them with you all while I had the chance.  I know I'm way behind but better late then never.  (Give me a break people I've been married for little over a year and still don't have pictures printed) UGH



  1. I LOVE planning parties! I will be one of those friends to help-- just let me know what you need!!!

  2. Thanks Sabrina!! I was thinking of you the WHOLE time :-) LOL
