Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So, here I sit realizing that November is pretty much gone, like in three days done, over.  I can not believe how fast that month flew by.  I feel like I haven't been that busy to not notice a whole month has gone by, but it has.  I have been reading and trying to keep up with everyone that has participated in the 30 days of Thankfulness post on face book and my fellow bloggers.  While reading these there were moments that I felt different emotions.  Guilty - that I wasn't participating to let others know that I too have many things to be thankful for.  Jealous - that others seem to be so organized to post everyday for 30 days or try to at least.  Happy - to see so many of my friends be so thankful for what they have and not dwell on the things they don't.  Sad - that truly while some of us have so much to be thankful for there are many out there that are much less fortunate than us.
With that said, here is a little of what I have to be thankful for - First and for most, I'm thankful that I have found a husband that accepts me for who I am.  He takes my crap when I'm crabby, shares in my joy when I'm giddy, understands me enough and cares enough to go the extra step because he knows I care about certain things the way I do.  I'm thankful for my son Bentley.  Man  I look back and can't even think of what life would be without him.  I remember when I first got pregnant I was TERRIFIED beyond belief.  I cried so hard that I shocked Curt and made him even scared.  I worried that I wasn't ready, questioned if I even was ready, I sometimes felt selfish and didn't want to have a little human to look after.  But now Today I'm so thankful that he was brought into my life for he has brought so much into it.  He has taught me what true patience is, he tests me EVERYDAY to limits I didn't know I had, and has brought so my joy to Curt and my lives.  I am thankful for my mom and my DAD, Betty and REGAN!  Though my family is special I wouldn't want it any other way.  Both of these people are as selfless as they come.  They go out of their way to take care of me and my family and I am so grateful for them both.  I am also thankful for my Mother-in-law, I couldn't have it better in cases of "in-laws".  She has truly taken me in as one of her own and I am so thankful for her for that.  I am also thankful for the rest of my family, sisters, brother, sister-in-law, brother in-law!  We are a close family and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I feel like I could go on and on.
Recently I lost a cousin who died at a rather young age, 46.  He passed away due to a blood clot in his chest.  This was such devastating news to me and our whole family.  All I could think about is the wonderful family, wife and three kids, and EVERYONE else, that he had left behind so suddenly.  No warning, no good-bye, absolutely no closer.  It really got me think about how precious life is and that we all need to live each day like it's our last.  We need to TELL our loved ones we love them and not just assume they already know, we need to make sure that each day we have lived our day so that at the end of it we can look back and smile, instead of being grumpy, angry, jealous, or desperate for need of something else.  Because you just never know when it will be your last.  So ask yourselves this, have I lived my day like its my last?  
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to enjoy it to the fullest.  I sure hope I can someone slow time down so December doesn't go by so quickly for me!    

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