Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adventure Land

So I lied in my post that not much happened in July, I forgot that my mom and dad took us all to Adventureland, minus Curt plus Aunt Connie. We went the week after 4th of July and boy was it fun. I forgot all the things that there is to do for little kids. Bentley had a blast, in fact he threw his first visual fit I've seen him throw when he got of the semi-trucks and wanted to ride them again. In a way it was pretty cute.
Libbie was such a big help with him riding the rides, I was so proud of her. She made sure he was staying safe and having fun. He road the lady bugs, the tea cups, the balloons, there was so much the list just goes on.

He had so much fun he even got tired enough to take a nap in his stroller for over an hour. I was pretty impressed by this because it rarely happens. It was a great day with family and we hope next time that Daddy gets to come along. He had to miss out because he had to work.

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