Wednesday, January 16, 2013


IT'S SWW!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's also my girls night and I can't wait!  
  • So what that all I have thought about is Mexican food for the past week in the anticipation of seeing my girlfriends this week!  We've begun setting up a date once a month to meet and it's the best night of my month for me, for real! 
  • So what that I stock my friends Blog to read about her wonderful life, like check it everyday, multiple times a day!  Sabrina, that reminds me, I MISS YOUR BLOG!  I understand your busy but, your letting your readers down! LOL Oh I forgot to mention that I check this because my life is so boring!  
  • So what that I jump at the very first sign of my son getting tired so I can put him down for a nap, so I can nap too!  Or just have some alone time, which in turn I end up falling asleep because I get bored.  Either way, win win LOL 
  • SO what that my friend is getting married in October and I promised myself that I would start losing some weight so I could feel good about being in it and I haven't started to loose weight, or even care that I haven't lost any.  
  • So what that I woke up yesterday to my son in only his diaper and shirt on, with ALL of his animals and blankets out of his crib.  He must of woke up early and was being a good little boy so his mama could sleep a little longer.  (one of these days though, I'm afraid he's going to learn to take off his diaper, uh oh bat man!)
  • So what that we don't have money saved away?  We aren't in total complete debt that its not manageable, we get our bills paid, we have food on our table and a roof over our heads.  I tend to often look at the fact that we do not have money in a negative light, but i MUST start looking at positives in my life.  I MUST! 
  • So what its Wednesday and I'm SUPER EXCITED to look through the HY-VEE add to see what deals we have this week!  I'm all about getting the most cents' I can off my gas, and saving money!  


  1. 1.) I love Hy-vee gas card
    2.) I am blogging, they are just hidden right now, I have time to write, but no time to edit. :(
    3.) Thanks for my shout out!

  2. I know I know sorry You are a busy momma!! I totally understand!
