Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bentley 2012

Mr. Bentley what can I say? You my child are AmAzInG in every way.  It's January which means in 3 months you will be 2!!!!  Currently you are wearing 18/24(2T) month shirts and 18 month pants (24 mnths and 2t's are just a little long on you).  You are healthy for the most part, aside from the colds, runny noses and occasional fevers that you seem to be attracted to.  You continue to eat well, there isn't a hole lot you don't like.  Most the time when you don't eat something it's because your not hungry rather than because you don't like it.  Or at least that is what it seems.  You still drink whole milk and love your juice.  I tried to give you new foods so you don't get in a rut with eating the same things, but this is something I still need work on.  You still eat in your highchair and prefer using your hands instead of utensils, no matter how many times we put them in your hands.  You make quite the mess, Mr. B!   
You still aren't talking much, but it's okay, it will come.  Occasionally we will catch what you are saying and we get excited.  During the Christmas holiday you started humming jingle bells, humming ho ho ho, I believe you say Santa (kind of sounds like Amanda but you point to pictures of Santa so I'm convinced you are saying Santa).  I'm still working with you on signing your needs because that screaming you do, well it just gets to be too much sometimes.  Just recently you've picked up on trying to sign for help.  It's still a work in progress but you will get it very soon.  I need to make a list of some other words you need to say so I can help find a sign that works for you.  I feel that this is the best way for you to communicate to me your wants without getting frustrated at me with not knowing what you want or need.  I pray for the day that you call me mommy spontaneously without being prompted, this too will come.  I just know it.  I pray at night for you, that things are all right.  I try not to worry that you will always struggle with pronouncing words, or struggle with not being able to tell us your needs.  I want to think that everyone is right when they tell me that it doesn't matter that you aren't saying much, one day you just "will".  I am getting a specialist to come out and evaluate you, this is just for ease of mind and to help mommy and daddy know what to do next.
You are going to tumbling classes now!  And for the most part I think you LOVE it.  When we first started going, you did NOT want to listen or follow along with what the other kids were doing.  You didn't quite understand what was going on but now you look forward to going and seem to have a lot of fun.  We work on lots of different skills like stretching, climbing, walking, jumping, running, etc.  You really enjoy "big steps" and rolling over.  We are working with you on bear crawling, log rolling, and climbing the sloped ladder.  Daddy really enjoys spending this quality family time with you as do I.
You LOVE LOVE LOVE music.  You can't seem to get enough of it, and in fact you can make anything some sort of musical instrument.  You have play guitars, drums, and microphones, pianos, harmonica, etc.  Grandma Cathi's musical talents definitely shine in you.  For Christmas Grandma Betty and Grandpa Regan along with Aunt Connie and Aunt Angie, got you so many musical things that you could have a one man band.  You also love playing sports with Daddy.  Golf I think is your sport of choice, you will hit anything like a golf ball with your golf clubs.  We have to keep reminding you not to hit people or the dog.  You are still learning.  You like to play with balls, throwing them, catching them, rolling them.  You got a basketball hoop for Christmas so maybe we can start getting you to throw them more appropriately rather than randomly and hitting things that might break.  Santa brought you a Powerwheels car for Christmas and dad thinks you love it, only we found out the hard way that letting you drive it in the house causes the tires to leave black marks on the carpets so we had to take it back outside, but its waiting for you when spring hits.  I can't wait to see you drive across the yard in it.
Things you got to do this year, had a birthday party with all your family and friends, went to Adventureland, took your second trip to Florida, your first trip to Colorado, which we drove and it was a long time in the car for you but you did great.  The first time you took a road trip was to Michigan but you were just a baby so you mostly slept the whole way there.  You got to go to your first Iowa State Fair, you loved the corn dogs and riding the ponies the most.  There are lots of other things but so many to list, I just picked out a few of the most significant things to talk about.  You never stop making us laugh and I love that about you.  NO matter how frustrated I seem to get with you I always change my mood within seconds because you are on to the next thing doing something silly.  I can't wait for what 2013 will bring!   

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