Personal Goals
- Get ACTIVE! Doing SOMETHING during the week other than occasionally chasing my son around the house and occasionally walking around Wal-Mart. I do get the house work done and feel pretty pleased that I can keep up with that most of the time, but the other times I find myself sitting in the chair. Sitting and observing my son, sitting, tired, lifeless. I will start by at least 15 - 20 mins of dancing, chasing, PLAYING actively with my son a day. I'm sure this will increase over time. *DISCLAIMER I do interact and play with my son, I feed my son, I meet his need, please do not read this and think that I ignore my son. I am just not as active, physically active, with my son as I would like to be.
- Be HEALTHY AWARE! I would like to say here, get on a diet, loose weight, stop eating junk food, but honestly I just can't say that. I want these goals to be obtainable so why set myself up for failure right? I want to be aware of what I'm eating and be cautious of my calorie intake. I can TRY to stop drinking unnecessary calories such as lattes and pop. I can try to fight off my urges to snack on candy while working late nights. I need to drink more water, period. I would like to start twice a week actually cooking a decent meal for my family. Rather than cooking something from a box or package. Keep junk food out of the house and replace it with healthier snacks. That way I don't have to choose what to eat, I have no other option than to eat the healthy snack.
- Get more ORGANIZED - just in life in general. Now I don't want to be crazy crazy organized like making list for every single thing, but just being organized with my time. This would play a role in the getting active from my previous goals. Right now I feel that I waste a lot of time sitting around, sleeping, and surfing around on Facebook/games. I get the bare min done but still feel that my life would benefit from just staying more active in life. I am constantly tired due to my schedule changes every week so I don't have a lot of energy. I feel if I begin to organize my time I can try to train my body to act differently.
Family Goals
- Start date night once a month. I have ALWAYS said, since before I even met the man of my dreams, that when I had a family I would make sure to take time away to celebrate my relationship. This is, however, the foundation of a family. Like I have done many times before I've had to eat my words because like many of us know, LIFE IS BUSY! Curt and I tried doing this when Bentley was born but we let if fissile out, mostly because I started working weekend nights and our time was even more limited, but no more excuses. ONCE A MONTH is not a lot to ask.
- Take more pictures of things we do as a family. Share more of our lives with others around us. Share stories of the milestones the Bentley has met.
- Talk more about our days. Share with each other more of our wants and needs in the relationship/family.
- Spend more intimate time together! (not just what your thinking, but yes that too!!!)
- Remind each other why we love them, we can't just assume we each already know! Let's face it, it's always nice to hear why your loved! It never gets old!
- DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF - this is more of a personal goal but I think the family could benefit in remembering this as well.
- Invite friends over! Life needs to be shared with friends!
Future Goals
- Get financially set where we can continually save money instead of feeling like was have $0 in our bank account all the time. This is something that is being worked on and will continue to be worked on. We have a good idea in place we just need to get to a comfortable place where we can start seeing the benefits.
- Begin thinking of Bentley's future, wow! Someday he's going to need a car, he'll be in activities, he will go to college. I can't imagine trying to pay for things like that right now on top of money for food, gas, bills, etc.
- Begin looking toward getting a new home or getting financed to get a new home. We EVENTUALLY would like to add to our family and right now I couldn't imagine having more than one child at all times in that home. I guess a brand new baby wouldn't be bad, but a crawler and a toddler, holy cow! ( See even thinking about having children at this age freaks me out so I know I'm not ready for anymore, yet)
Well this is a good start I feel. My blog got a little long and I am sorry if your still with me. I feel pretty confident with this list for now. I feel that these are reachable. They will work for our family and get me on a start to getting organized with my life. Who knows maybe I'll start loosing weight just by getting active, there's hope!
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