Wednesday, January 9, 2013



  • So what that we put the Christmas Tree away, picked up the house, and vacuumed to get the house looking nice, and not two minutes later Bentley drug out all his toys and their back all over the floor again.  Who's house is this anyway?!?! 
  • So what that our Christmas Tree was still  up on Jan 9th, were busy people over here, that or just lazy.  I haven't decided yet! 
  • So what that my husband taught my son how Superheros jump off the couch, AND TAPED IT to post to You Tube!  My son is a graceful jumper, that's all I have to say.  
  • So what the at I get more use out of the NABI that we got our son for Christmas, he pretty much just likes to chew on the rubber bumper around the edge anyway! 
  • So what that I've picked up so much overtime lately that I'm super exhausted and would rather sleep than spend time with my family.  This is very sad to feel this way but I'm being honest here. 
  • So what that my son still sings Jingle Bells and was VERY upset that we took that Christmas Tree down.  Maybe he really likes Christmas! 
  • So what that I'm completely unmotivated and non creative tonight.  Sorry followers that's all I got 

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