Wednesday, January 30, 2013


  • So what that I haven't showered since Sunday afternoon!  The only thing I've done in two days is take B to his tumbling on Monday night, Sad I know!!!   I'm also in the same clothes I wore on Monday.  Ugh No motivation or will power! 
  • So what that my child is spoiled even though his birthday is two months away.  Daddy and his grandparents love him!   Curt went shopping without me this weekend, scary scary thing! 
  • So what that I feel like eating everything in this house, talk about some major PMS cravings.  BTW there just isn't anything good to eat here!  I NEED MORE!   
  • So what that my husband didn't go to work today and he's in bed sleeping.  He got up and shoveled this  morning, basically for nothing!   Darn wind! 
  • So what that my son was playing with his pop tart this morning like it was a car, call it boring breakfast food!  I wish I could think of more but he doesn't like eggs, and pancakes take to long, unless I get frozen ones, but then he smells like syrup the rest of the day, YUCK!
  • So what that I just said I was going to start starving myself so I can look good for the weeding I'm going to be in in Oct.  I'm so happy for my friend Amy!!!!  
  • So what that I'd rather sit back and watch my child interact with his toys than get in there and lead him in play.  I just wish I could make out what he is trying to say because it sounds too cute!  I think he's trying to count them, he sooo smart.  
  • So what I played Just Dance on the Wii last night and only made it through two songs before getting winded and sweating to death, I'm out of shape okay!?! 
I hope all are having a wonderful week and just be glad today is hump day.  The week is almost over for you all!  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day late and a dollar short.....Friday Faves

  1. Mother-In-Laws homemade noodles.  She made dinner for us on Monday night and it was AWWWmazing.  My hips love them too, since I've been eating them everyday for a week I'm pretty sure I've gain weight because of them but they are delicious. 
  2. Family!  We had our yearly VanHoosen family get together (Christmas in January) at the hotel on Sat. night.  I had the night off from work and it was worth it.  There's nothing like getting a bunch of loved ones all in one place.  The adults all played the Newlywed Game and it was pretty interesting! 
  3. Cuddles!!!  Bentley had a couple of time this week where he just wanted to cuddle with his mommy!  I love when he gets in these moods.  Sometimes I must admit I have to remind myself how much when I'm in the middle of doing things but he helps me keep my priorities straight that's for sure.  
  4. Sleep, right about now I'm thinking I might not have gotten enough of it this week but I love sleep! 
  5. Paychecks!  So I can go shopping and save money on my gas card! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


  • So what I'm a little behind with getting this posted, I've been busy all day with two children and didn't have the ability to type without tiny little hands all over the key board! 
  • So what we just bought milk at the gas station, we might of paid more, but not as much as if we would have actually went into Hy-Vee because, oh those cookies look good , and oh we need bread, and oh yea I forgot we need juice!  In the end we saved more.
  • So what I practically shoved my son into a 2x4 at tiny tots causing him to get a welt across his forehead on Monday.  It's hard to teach him to bear crawl up that thing!!!  It went away by the time we left I might add!
  • So what that I refuse to go to the doctor now that we have new health care through my work.  We are on a health savings plan and have a health savings account and we will have to pay entirely to much for me to go over some silly sore throat (which,so want it might be strep?) ((i know i know if it gets any worse I'll go))
  • So what that my day yet again affirmed that I'm not ready to have two children in the Heck household.  Bentley was too jealous today and I couldn't handle it.  Maybe I just need to rent a few kids out a little at a time to teach Bentley to share, Sabrina? Chelsea? Lacey? I'm sure you're all takers LOL 
  • So what that my son loves pickles he'd prolly eat them at every meal, I sure did when I was pregnant with him!  Makes total sense.  
  • \So what my Husband had to go back to paying for a hair cut and he likes to get his haircut very regularly.  Something to add to our budget I guess.  Thank god for short hair, he can get his done for $10.  When I go, I need to get it highlighted, dried, and styled and I can't walk out without spending $100 or more! 
Thanks again for tuning in for my weekly rant of SO WHATS!!!  Have a great NIGHT!!!!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Question 2

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

One of my biggest fears lately is having more than one child. Separating my time between the two, making sure they get enough attention, having them get along with out completely hating each other when they grow up, finding time to still be a couple (which is hard enough with just one child). I guess I want to elaborate on that one a little because it might be the biggest factor. I feel strained enough to balance time spent with my son, my husband, myself, and my job. I don't feel there is enough of either of those and I just can't think about it if you were to add one more person to that mix. My husband and I struggle right now with spending time together alone, the two of us, other than after Bentley goes to bed, which in turn makes it time for me to go to bed, most of the time. We've said that we were going to set aside a night a week, then it went to a month, to hardly ever. Money being the main factor it to that, which is another fear of having another child. UGH see what I mean, I'm stressed out just typing all this.

Another fear of mine is dying with out family around. This is a key reason why I'm still in Newton around my family and have not moved away. Now I realize that if I'm lucky enough I won't have to worry because all members of my family will live their healthy happy lives and pass when it's perfectly their time to go, but I'm afraid of my early death where family is still around. Oh boy, it just sounds confusing, but I hope you get the idea! I don't want to do days of already being gone until someone finds me or figures out I'm not around! (make sense?)

Thunderstorms, no really! In total seriousness when the weather gets so bad that the news starts talking about warnings and going to basements and such, I start flipping out. I'm 95% better than I used to be when I was younger, in fact up till I went to college, but they scare me. There's too much excitement surrounding them and it gets me worked up. When we were younger (my sister and I) we were with my cousin while my mom was out for the evening. All I remember is being at my cousins grandmother's house and her house had caught on fire from lighting and she would not leave her house. We have to get her out and there were sirens and fire trucks, way too traumatizing for a 5 year old. That's all I have to say. Now as traumatizing as my story is, the full details that I remember are not quite remembered by all parties so I must admit I'm not sure if my little mind exaggerated things such as remembering another tree close to us getting struck by lighting while we were standing outside, which no one else remembers, so with that said it started my fear of thunderstorms. Like major ones, I'm okay with little rumble storms, now! LOL


So my friend made the icon above (i just copied and pasted Sabrina! THANKS FOR SHARING) and also started the idea that we take the five things we liked most about our week!  What a super duper idea.  It has made me really reflect on my week and brought some new appreciation to my wonderful life!  So here is my favs from the week!!!

  1. Friends!  The best part of my week was getting away for an evening and meeting with friends, the Mexican food was just an added bonus!  We have been getting together once a month and believe me it's needed and wonderful!
  2. Talking with my Husband about a recent story outbreak in football? umm I think that was the sport LOL, anyway bottom line It was pretty awesome to have a discussion about something we were both interested in.  I believe it was a football player who was dating a girl he met and it came out that it was a whole scam on the internet.  I true Cat fish story!  Cat fish is show on MTV about people who have relationships with others on-line, go years without meeting, and end up most the time being a total scam or individuals who aren't being their true selves.  But it was a story that sparked our interest so we talked awhile about it.  (Sadly but that hasn't happened in awhile, unless you count talking about our son).
  3. Mondays with MOM.  Bentley has tumbling on Monday nights which make for a late night for dinner and by the time we were to get home most the time we all are exhausted and cooking is furthest from my brain.  My mom and dad started having us over for dinner and its been great.  Nice time to catch up and relax after my work weekend.
  4. Biscuit PIZZAs!!!!!  My fav as a kid making mini pizzas out of biscuits   Bentley is a fan as well!  I made them for dinner last night.
  5. Grocery shopping and saving .23 on my next gas fill up!    

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


IT'S SWW!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's also my girls night and I can't wait!  
  • So what that all I have thought about is Mexican food for the past week in the anticipation of seeing my girlfriends this week!  We've begun setting up a date once a month to meet and it's the best night of my month for me, for real! 
  • So what that I stock my friends Blog to read about her wonderful life, like check it everyday, multiple times a day!  Sabrina, that reminds me, I MISS YOUR BLOG!  I understand your busy but, your letting your readers down! LOL Oh I forgot to mention that I check this because my life is so boring!  
  • So what that I jump at the very first sign of my son getting tired so I can put him down for a nap, so I can nap too!  Or just have some alone time, which in turn I end up falling asleep because I get bored.  Either way, win win LOL 
  • SO what that my friend is getting married in October and I promised myself that I would start losing some weight so I could feel good about being in it and I haven't started to loose weight, or even care that I haven't lost any.  
  • So what that I woke up yesterday to my son in only his diaper and shirt on, with ALL of his animals and blankets out of his crib.  He must of woke up early and was being a good little boy so his mama could sleep a little longer.  (one of these days though, I'm afraid he's going to learn to take off his diaper, uh oh bat man!)
  • So what that we don't have money saved away?  We aren't in total complete debt that its not manageable, we get our bills paid, we have food on our table and a roof over our heads.  I tend to often look at the fact that we do not have money in a negative light, but i MUST start looking at positives in my life.  I MUST! 
  • So what its Wednesday and I'm SUPER EXCITED to look through the HY-VEE add to see what deals we have this week!  I'm all about getting the most cents' I can off my gas, and saving money!  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

20 random things about ME! Day ONE

  1. I was born and raised in Newton, and still live here! ( minus the four years I went to college)
  2. I bought a house, found a man, moved in with said man, got engaged and got pregnant all within two years! (yeah I move fast, so what? LOL)
  3. I have a huge fear of having two children, yet am sadden when my husband talks about getting fixed after our second child? 
  4. I haven't gotten my hair cut in about a year.  I don't think about taking care of myself now that I have a child.  
  5. I once stole a car in College an didn't even know it, I promise I was just borrowing a friends car! 
  6. I have my BA in Social Work and am currently not using it.
  7. I love the smell of lilac!  I would like to plant a lilac tree right outside my bedroom window so in the Spring I can always have the smell at my finger tips. 
  8. I love the fall because I can start wearing sweat pants and oversize sweatshirts!  There is nothing more comfy! 
  9. I am addicted to Starbucks lattes!
  10. I enjoy Charlie Brown Christmas because it's one of the few cartoons that really point out the true meaning of Christmas.  
  11. I'm almost 30 and I still take a nap every chance I get! 
  12. I drive a Kia Sportage and it will be hard to get a new vehicle when ever I may need to get one. 
  13. I just now this year (after being married for two) got our wedding pictures in frames and up on the wall.  All it took was to host Christmas at my house and have people over.  I'm not much of a hostess.
  14. I have about a handful of really close friends and that works for me!  I struggle with keep close to them the way it is so I'm happy with what I have! 
  15. I would like to go to Paris France someday, but realize that this may never happen.  
  16. I went para-sailing last year in Florida and do not really have a desire to go again.  Maybe it was the VERY rough boat ride on the very gray day but it wasn't all that enjoyable.  Just another life experience so that was good.  
  17. I look forward to my four year in Florida this year with my family!  I can not wait to get away for a week.  But I have to wait till June, bummer.
  18. I have a cat named Precious and a dog named Daisy! 
  19. I tend to have bigger dreams for a home than I can afford.
  20. I have a very close family and sometimes I agree that we may be too close but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

30 Random Things

Hopes and Dreams

**So I'm not very good at linking things, and I have no idea what a button means in the blog world so this is my attempted at giving Credit where credit is due!!!**

I stumbled upon this on pinterest the other night and decided that I wanted to participate in it.  It's called
30 things and for 30 days you post about the question and people can learn more about you.  So I encourage you to try it out as well if your interested!  Here is the list of questions:


1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

I know that the month has already started so I am just going to do this for 30 random days! Hope you enjoy!



  • So what that we put the Christmas Tree away, picked up the house, and vacuumed to get the house looking nice, and not two minutes later Bentley drug out all his toys and their back all over the floor again.  Who's house is this anyway?!?! 
  • So what that our Christmas Tree was still  up on Jan 9th, were busy people over here, that or just lazy.  I haven't decided yet! 
  • So what that my husband taught my son how Superheros jump off the couch, AND TAPED IT to post to You Tube!  My son is a graceful jumper, that's all I have to say.  
  • So what the at I get more use out of the NABI that we got our son for Christmas, he pretty much just likes to chew on the rubber bumper around the edge anyway! 
  • So what that I've picked up so much overtime lately that I'm super exhausted and would rather sleep than spend time with my family.  This is very sad to feel this way but I'm being honest here. 
  • So what that my son still sings Jingle Bells and was VERY upset that we took that Christmas Tree down.  Maybe he really likes Christmas! 
  • So what that I'm completely unmotivated and non creative tonight.  Sorry followers that's all I got 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bentley 2012

Mr. Bentley what can I say? You my child are AmAzInG in every way.  It's January which means in 3 months you will be 2!!!!  Currently you are wearing 18/24(2T) month shirts and 18 month pants (24 mnths and 2t's are just a little long on you).  You are healthy for the most part, aside from the colds, runny noses and occasional fevers that you seem to be attracted to.  You continue to eat well, there isn't a hole lot you don't like.  Most the time when you don't eat something it's because your not hungry rather than because you don't like it.  Or at least that is what it seems.  You still drink whole milk and love your juice.  I tried to give you new foods so you don't get in a rut with eating the same things, but this is something I still need work on.  You still eat in your highchair and prefer using your hands instead of utensils, no matter how many times we put them in your hands.  You make quite the mess, Mr. B!   
You still aren't talking much, but it's okay, it will come.  Occasionally we will catch what you are saying and we get excited.  During the Christmas holiday you started humming jingle bells, humming ho ho ho, I believe you say Santa (kind of sounds like Amanda but you point to pictures of Santa so I'm convinced you are saying Santa).  I'm still working with you on signing your needs because that screaming you do, well it just gets to be too much sometimes.  Just recently you've picked up on trying to sign for help.  It's still a work in progress but you will get it very soon.  I need to make a list of some other words you need to say so I can help find a sign that works for you.  I feel that this is the best way for you to communicate to me your wants without getting frustrated at me with not knowing what you want or need.  I pray for the day that you call me mommy spontaneously without being prompted, this too will come.  I just know it.  I pray at night for you, that things are all right.  I try not to worry that you will always struggle with pronouncing words, or struggle with not being able to tell us your needs.  I want to think that everyone is right when they tell me that it doesn't matter that you aren't saying much, one day you just "will".  I am getting a specialist to come out and evaluate you, this is just for ease of mind and to help mommy and daddy know what to do next.
You are going to tumbling classes now!  And for the most part I think you LOVE it.  When we first started going, you did NOT want to listen or follow along with what the other kids were doing.  You didn't quite understand what was going on but now you look forward to going and seem to have a lot of fun.  We work on lots of different skills like stretching, climbing, walking, jumping, running, etc.  You really enjoy "big steps" and rolling over.  We are working with you on bear crawling, log rolling, and climbing the sloped ladder.  Daddy really enjoys spending this quality family time with you as do I.
You LOVE LOVE LOVE music.  You can't seem to get enough of it, and in fact you can make anything some sort of musical instrument.  You have play guitars, drums, and microphones, pianos, harmonica, etc.  Grandma Cathi's musical talents definitely shine in you.  For Christmas Grandma Betty and Grandpa Regan along with Aunt Connie and Aunt Angie, got you so many musical things that you could have a one man band.  You also love playing sports with Daddy.  Golf I think is your sport of choice, you will hit anything like a golf ball with your golf clubs.  We have to keep reminding you not to hit people or the dog.  You are still learning.  You like to play with balls, throwing them, catching them, rolling them.  You got a basketball hoop for Christmas so maybe we can start getting you to throw them more appropriately rather than randomly and hitting things that might break.  Santa brought you a Powerwheels car for Christmas and dad thinks you love it, only we found out the hard way that letting you drive it in the house causes the tires to leave black marks on the carpets so we had to take it back outside, but its waiting for you when spring hits.  I can't wait to see you drive across the yard in it.
Things you got to do this year, had a birthday party with all your family and friends, went to Adventureland, took your second trip to Florida, your first trip to Colorado, which we drove and it was a long time in the car for you but you did great.  The first time you took a road trip was to Michigan but you were just a baby so you mostly slept the whole way there.  You got to go to your first Iowa State Fair, you loved the corn dogs and riding the ponies the most.  There are lots of other things but so many to list, I just picked out a few of the most significant things to talk about.  You never stop making us laugh and I love that about you.  NO matter how frustrated I seem to get with you I always change my mood within seconds because you are on to the next thing doing something silly.  I can't wait for what 2013 will bring!   


I feel a strong urge to set some goals for myself, my family, and our future.  New Years resolutions do not seem to stick with me, they are the same as going on a diet, to much effort that I don't have to put forth.  Which as I write that I'm sadden that I even use as and excuse.  There are a lot of you out there that are setting goals for the year 2013 and I like that idea.  I like the idea of setting small steps that are reachable so that when I reach them I can feel good about myself instead of continuing to be depressed because I'm not actively working toward anything other than keeping my family fed, clothed, and happy.  Which is amazing to do don't get me wrong, but most of me thinks that this is just what I HAVE to do.  I want to set somethings that I WANT to do for me, my family, and our health.

Personal Goals

  • Get ACTIVE!  Doing SOMETHING during the week other than occasionally chasing my son around the house and occasionally walking around Wal-Mart.  I do get the house work done and feel pretty pleased that I can keep up with that most of the time, but the other times I find myself sitting in the chair.  Sitting and observing my son, sitting, tired, lifeless.  I will start by at least 15 - 20 mins of dancing, chasing, PLAYING actively with my son a day.  I'm sure this will increase over time.  *DISCLAIMER I do interact and play with my son, I feed my son, I meet his need,  please do not read this and think that I ignore my son.  I am just not as active, physically active, with my son as I would like to be. 
  • Be HEALTHY AWARE!  I would like to say here, get on a diet, loose weight, stop eating junk food, but honestly I just can't say that.  I want these goals to be obtainable so why set myself up for failure right?  I want to be aware of what I'm eating and be cautious of my calorie intake.  I can TRY to stop drinking unnecessary calories such as lattes and pop.  I can try to fight off my urges to snack on candy while working late nights.  I need to drink more water, period.  I would like to start twice a week actually cooking a decent meal for my family.  Rather than cooking something from a box or package.  Keep junk food out of the house and replace it with healthier snacks.  That way I don't have to choose what to eat, I have no other option than to eat the healthy snack.
  • Get more ORGANIZED - just in life in general.  Now I don't want to be crazy crazy organized like making list for every single thing, but just being organized with my time.  This would play a role in the getting active from my previous goals.  Right now I feel that I waste a lot of time sitting around, sleeping, and surfing around on Facebook/games.  I get the bare min done but still feel that my life would benefit from just staying more active in life.  I am constantly tired due to my schedule changes every week so I don't have a lot of energy.  I feel if I begin to organize my time I can try to train my body to act differently.  

Family Goals        

  • Start date night once a month.  I have ALWAYS said, since before I even met the man of my dreams, that when I had a family I would make sure to take time away to celebrate my relationship.  This is, however, the foundation of a family.  Like I have done many times before I've had to eat my words because like many of us know, LIFE IS BUSY!  Curt and I tried doing this when Bentley was born but we let if fissile out, mostly because I started working weekend nights and our time was even more limited, but no more excuses.  ONCE A MONTH is not a lot to ask.  
  • Take more pictures of things we do as a family.  Share more of our lives with others around us.  Share stories of the milestones the Bentley has met. 
  • Talk more about our days.  Share with each other more of our wants and needs in the relationship/family.  
  • Spend more intimate time together! (not just what your thinking, but yes that too!!!)  
  • Remind each other why we love them, we can't just assume we each already know! Let's face it, it's always nice to hear why your loved!  It never gets old!
  • DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF - this is more of a personal goal but I think the family could benefit in remembering this as well. 
  • Invite friends over!  Life needs to be shared with friends!  

Future Goals

  • Get financially set where we can continually save money instead of feeling like was have $0 in our bank account all the time.  This is something that is being worked on and will continue to be worked on.  We have a good idea in place we just need to get to a comfortable place where we can start seeing the benefits.
  • Begin thinking of Bentley's future, wow!  Someday he's going to need a car, he'll be in activities, he will go to college.  I can't imagine trying to pay for things like that right now on top of money for food, gas, bills, etc.  
  • Begin looking toward getting a new home or getting financed to get a new home.  We EVENTUALLY would like to add to our family and right now I couldn't imagine having more than one child at all times in that home.  I guess a brand new baby wouldn't be bad, but a crawler and a toddler, holy cow!  ( See even thinking about having children at this age freaks me out so I know I'm not ready for anymore, yet)  

Well this is a good start I feel.  My blog got a little long and I am sorry if your still with me.  I feel pretty confident with this list for now.  I feel that these are reachable.  They will work for our family and get me on a start to getting organized with my life.  Who knows maybe I'll start loosing weight just by getting active, there's hope!