Wednesday, February 27, 2013


  • So what that I haven't written for SWW in like 2 or 3 weeks, I get tired and Wednesday nights seem to be the butt end of my exhaustion.  I'm sorry to my readers that I left you missing out.
  • So what that I just "happened" to forget to give Bentley his pacifier tonight.  He was supper tired, went right to bed, didn't even reach for it, so why remind him.  He was sleeping about 15 seconds minutes later.  I'll be anxious to see if he wakes up during the night.  If he doesn't, this may be the end of the binky my friends!!!!  
  • So what that I picked up a part time job for fun.  In hind sight I didn't think I was busy enough for me, I wanted to be able to get out more and do things I enjoy.  Working with families and children mark high on that list.  Now that I have it, I feel like I don't have enough time for it all.  Oh well you can't win them all.  Things will eventually work out so I can have an even balance.  
  • So what I had to drive to work this morning in this cruddy snow for a work meeting, when last Friday they canceled the meeting before the snow started to even fall!!!  Once again the news prove they can control people.  When they tell you to freak out and get ready for "BIG" snow, everyone does.  But when the "BIG" snow ACTUALLY hits without warning, people carry on like no big deal.  I don't get it.
  • So what that I try to keep in touch with my friends as often as I can try.  Even if its not very often, I still want to try to keep something in place so those friendships don't sizzle out and die.  I've lost to many a good friends by not keeping up with things.  I can't afford to loose the ones I have left. 
  • So what that my son has begun learning to use object as step stools and now gets into EVERYTHING.  He can reach things that he did not used to be able to and now nothing is safe in our home.  Time to reorganize, AGAIN.
  • So what I'm going to be 21....30 in March!!!  It's been a great 30 years, but man that just sounds old!  I'm happy where God has lead me to in life.  I can't complain, I have a great family, wonderful husband, and the best son a mom could ask for.  I have a job that can allow me to get food on the table and shelter to keep me warm in these cold months.  30 years of experience for when my son is old enough to understand.  
  • So what that I'm falling asleep and loosing my concentration while I write this post.  I think it's the weather playing tricks on me.  I've just been extra tired lately, NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!! (Just in case anyone planted a seed in their head)
Well that's all for tonight folks.  Hope you have a great day and for my Iowa fans stay warm and drive safe! 

1 comment:

  1. The boys are big into climbing these days! And Max loves to jump off of what he climbed on! I cant wait to get together next week! Love ya!
