Saturday, February 9, 2013

Question 4 - 16 year old Self

Wow, Name 10 things I would tell my 16 year old self!  13 years ago I would have been in 10th grade I believe.

  1. No one here (in school, in clubs, on teams, etc.) will matter to you in 10 years so don't sweat them now.  If they don't like you move on.  If you argue with them shrug them off.  You are your own person and life does move forward.  
  2. Don't waist your time trying to better yourself for anyone else.  For yourself maybe, but if you are trying to change to impress someone, move on.  Give up on that dream because it's not worth it.  Chances are that one person your trying to change for, won't be around in 5 years anyway. 
  3. Study hard and really concentrate on what you are learning in class.  You may not need the knowledge in your career or future but the topics will come up and being able to be apart of that conversation will be worth it.  
  4. Learn fashion, maybe not high end fashion, but learn enough so that you don't become comfortable in sweatpants and sweatshirts.  It just hides the you your trying to be and then the lack of caring about what you looks like turns into poor self confidence.  Take pride in your looks and show them off damn it! 
  5. Be friends with everyone!  See number one, chances are slim that you will see these people life long so why not be nice and leave imprints.  One day they will be able to look back and have a good memory and that memory just may be about you! 
  6. One day you will meet the man of your dreams, don't rush it!  Relax, enjoy life.  Don't spend all your time worrying about one guy or the next.  Let love happen and enjoy it when it does. 
  7. Your mom is right, just deal with it!  Accept it and move on.  One day you'll be just like her there's just no getting around it.  DEAL WITH IT! 
  8. Make memories now, enjoy life now!  Make books about friends and remember the times you spent with them.  Those times will quickly be replaced with responsibility, children, family, heartache, and stress.  NO matter how hard you try these things will creep up on you and become apart of your daily life.  Embrace the freedom now! 
  9. You are great just as you are.  Stay spunky and witty, smile often and laugh.  Don't stress about the "mean girls" and definitely do not  trust that they know anything about you and your life.  They can not give you any advice that's worth anything to you.  Stick with your own advice and listen to what your mother and close friends have to say about you. 
  10. You will grown up and do wonderful things with your life!!!!! 

I'd be curious as to what my fellow bloggers would say to themselves at age 16~!!!!!  Come on join with me just for this one question for sure!!  Don't forget to leave me a comment so I can read them! 

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