Thursday, March 21, 2013

SO what If it's Thursday (SWW)

  • So What I stole this image from Sabrina, thanks friend you rock and are so creative.
  • So what I haven't written in a long time, I've been rather busy and I've been trying to focus on spending more quality time with Bentley instead of being on the computer....I'm about 40% successful!  Please pray, I still need help!  UGH
  • So what that today when I tried to get my son to lay down with me, he slid of the bed, went out to the living room and woke me up by throwing his baseball at my head.  When I opened my eyes he was eagerly awaiting with his bat for me to throw the ball to him.  (god i love that kid)
  • So what that we went shopping last night for clothes I spent my whole allotment in one night while my husband still has over half of his to still go shopping!  I hit it big, or was in the mood to shop, either way I got me some new clothes, which doesn't happen often.
  • So what my son's birthday is less than a month away and I do not have anything planned yet.  I figured it's just going to be family so I have time......Sorry family who like to plan.  
  • SO what that in a week I'm going to be the big 20 30!!!!!  AWWW it's scary admitting that, but you know, it's been one hell of a 30 years for this chick!  I'm happy and healthy err...healthyish and couldn't be more thankful for the family and friends I have been blessed with. 
  • So what that I made a goal at the first of the year to work out at least 3-4 times a week and I have been an EPIC failure.  I don't understand why I let myself get away with it.  I know darn well that if I just give myself time, my body will be thankful and reciprocate.    
  • So what I'm desperately fighting this illness that is trying to haunt my body.  I can't get sick.  We have had to much sickness in this home.  It needs to leave our home.  
  • So what I almost had out best buy card paid off and my husband surprised me with a mini I-Pad.  If the truth be told I really did want one, I just couldn't bring myself to make the purchase.  Now that it's already been made, I would know no different.  I'll just keep pluggin away at the bill like always.  He really did surprise me and that was worth it all.  
I wan to apologize to my readers for lacking in my entertainment of our lives.  Bentley has been doing so much lately that I really didn't know where to start with documenting.  I'm not very good at sticking with things.  ANYTHING for that matter.  But things with us are all going well, Bentley will be turning 2 in April and I do not know where time has gone.  2 years~ i mean I though one year went fast but 2.  WOW.  
I'll try to keep you update as best as I can! 

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