Friday, December 9, 2011

Hello There

Well here I sit and I wonder if this is worth starting, would people really care to read about me?!  But I remind myself that this could benefit me more than everyone else.  I am reminded on a daily basis that I should be thankful for what i have in life because often those around me are not so lucky to have the family and friends I have.  SO, I wanted to start sharing with everyone what I am thankful for and what I have to be happy about in life.  This will also help remind me on a daily basis as well.  After becoming inspired by my friend Sabrina Smead, I decided I would give this blog thing a try.  So here goes nothing, bare with me folks!
I will start by sharing a little information about myself.  I was born and raised in Newton, Iowa, still live there today.  About two years ago I became a homeowner as well as met my wonderful husband and friend, Curt.  We hit things off right away and haven't stopped since.  We moved into our house in September of 2009 and made a happy little home for two...or three?!  Curt purposed in July of 2010 and we were so EXCITED!  We started planning a wedding for Sept. 2011.  THEN....dun dun dun....I went to the doctor in Sept and I was 8 weeks prego! SURPRISE...we were!  We rushed around and hurried with the help of our wonderful parents and planned a wedding for December, 12-11-10, (that's right in two days I will have been married for a year and boy has life changed!)  In April of 2010 we gave birth to a wonderful healthy baby boy Bentley Alexander!  He is 8 months old and I can't believe how time has flew!

Well that's just a little about me!  I hope you keep reading and enjoy the beginning of my journey with me!     

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