- So what I've completely messed up Bentley's nightly routine because I thought I was doing something good. He was staying in his room all night so I took the gate down that was across his doorway.......he's been in our bed the last two nights....tonight, he won't go to sleep without Curt in the room. Mommy FAIL!!!!
- So what something from my past that came back to my evil brain tonight might have ruined my relationship with my sister in law. I always seem to do or say something wrong eventually.
- So what I don't feel support by my husband because of said behavior\ feelings........I guess what they say..family is thicker......oh wait I am his family now....so what he's forgotten that.
- So what I've decided to do a late late night version of so what, there's a lot on my mind tonight.
- So what I can't seem to pull the trigger on listing our house on the market, I keep finding reasons to wait. I guess I just don't like change and the thought of change gives me so much anxiety.
- So what my son is 2 and can't tell me loves me verbally, he tells me through his eyes everyday. The new speech path wants us to step back from getting sounds out of him and teach him sign language, so what I think she's crazy and just can't bring myself to stop having my son vocalize to me , even though most if what he says we can't understand.....he's getting better everyday!
- So what I can't keep thinking of what the future holds for him, I'm only human and can't always live for today.
- So what that lately I've been feeling very alone.....
- So what I let my son play in the sprinkler with his clothes on while watering my plants. It's one of my memories as a child getting to jump into our pool of water with our clothes one, it felt so right to do something we think is wrong.
- So what this version of so what makes me seem whiney, I'm kind of having an off night. Goodnight everyone hope to get back on this blogger bandwagon soon!
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