Wednesday, May 22, 2013


  • So what I spend 3 hours this morning sitting on the computer while my son played.  He wasn't whining, he was having fun, and I took advantage of it!   This afternoon however, I think I'm going to have to change my plan of attack.  He is loud and clear ready for mommy time! 
  • So what I agreed to watch my nephew Drayton for five hours this afternoon, it's teaching Bentley that he doesn't always get his way in things.  Bentley needs more child time to learn that he needs to share and it's okay to not get everything he wants.
  • So what my son was standing in the middle of his kid table before I figured out he was climbing, it's not THAT far from the ground.  
  • So what we had our air on, and now it's back off, and we will probably turn it back on once it warms up again.  I've have learned over the years that it's just best to put the air on so I don't have to hear my husband complain about his "allergies", which treat him just fine when he's out on the golf course.  
  • So what that while everyone will hopefully be enjoying the nice weather on memorial day, I will be sleeping it away.  I have to work the night before and it's just best for us all if I get the right amount of sleep.  Curt has to work in the evening so I need to be in mommy mood for Bentley.  
  • So what that only parts of my yard has turf builder on it, while I was applying Curt was mowing and I only had so much lawn to apply the stuff to.  I'll be curious to see if it even makes a difference, and this will make it easier for me to tell! 
  • So what I keep procrastinating on calling the vet to get Daisy in for her shots.  I just cringe every time we have to pay out an unneeded expense.  On top of that we are having her stay at Green Acres Boarding while we are gone to Florida and she has to have these shots before she can stay, so I need to get on it.  
  • So what my currently full time job has threatened me that if I do have have the appropriate amount of PTO for my vacation that they can resign my PTO approval.  I was warned that I only have 3.70 hours of PTO, I need......72.  BIG problem there but you know, I just don't care.  I know that's a horrible way to think but I am going on that Vacation, even if it means I won't have a job when I get back.  
  • So what that the boys are going on 2 hours naps, well one boy is, the other...he was a little harder to get down.  Bentley isn't used to having to share his mommy at nap time, and for some reason he won't just go and lay down for me like he does his Aunt Angie.  They must need it, I would be sleeping if I could on this rainy Wednesday afternoon too!!  
Well there you have it folks, I have started to get back into things, I'm sorry for those who have missed me, LOL all two of you that prolly read my blog.  I better get on that list that I've been procrastinating.  

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