Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adventure Land

So I lied in my post that not much happened in July, I forgot that my mom and dad took us all to Adventureland, minus Curt plus Aunt Connie. We went the week after 4th of July and boy was it fun. I forgot all the things that there is to do for little kids. Bentley had a blast, in fact he threw his first visual fit I've seen him throw when he got of the semi-trucks and wanted to ride them again. In a way it was pretty cute.
Libbie was such a big help with him riding the rides, I was so proud of her. She made sure he was staying safe and having fun. He road the lady bugs, the tea cups, the balloons, there was so much the list just goes on.

He had so much fun he even got tired enough to take a nap in his stroller for over an hour. I was pretty impressed by this because it rarely happens. It was a great day with family and we hope next time that Daddy gets to come along. He had to miss out because he had to work.

Bentley 2012

Here are some pictures I found that I had the idea of posting. These all were around his birthday so they are from awhile ago. Pretty self explanatory enjoy!

Where oh Where has time gone?

It's been a while since I've last posted and boy time flys. I have to say I am not the best at sticking to something and following through. I can't believe it's been since April that I've posted about Bentley, partley because right now there isn't a lot of noticable changes and because I just can't find the time. I am not sure where to begin with this post because now that I look back we have actually done quite a bit.


We took our third tirp to flordia, second as a family of three. My parents have been going to florida for about four to five years now and Curt and I joined them in the summer of 2010. Last year Bentley got to go along when he was just 6 weeks old. My sister and her family got to join us as well. This year he was 1 and boy was it a blast. The whole family got to enjoy being in the sun and relaxation. Bentley LOVED the water and couldn't seem to get enough of it. Even when we took him to the beach he just seem to be in aww at the waves coming up to his feet. I thought we'd have some trouble with him wanting to eat the sand when we began to play in it, not hardly! He maybe tried to put it in his mouth once or twice but that was all. I have to say this trip was so awesome, Bentley was amazing in trasitioning from his home to an unfamilir environment. He was great on the plain rides and I just couldn't get over how well he adapted to all the change.

I also started working a different shift at work in June. I went from working 5 days a week to just three nights during the weekend. I now work 6:30 pm to 7:00 am Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That leaves me home with Bentley Tuesday-Friday. Mondays my sister takes him so I can sleep. At the beginning I thought this would be a perfect time to get him on a regular schedule of activities during the day so that he didn't just play by himself all day. I researched and googled all sorts of things and got exctited to start doing more routine things. This didn't work out well. Let me say I feel very lazy as a mother however Bentley seems quite content playiny by himself. (It's alot of work keeping a house clean, laundry kept up and caring for a child). I am still trying to be active on this, I won't give up.


We had a family get together for the 4th of July. Really put things in to perspective on how I've become a pretty laid back parent. I let Bentley freely play in the little kids pool WITH his clothes AND his SHOES on, and I didn't care!!

I was more worried that if I took his shoes off then he might step on a stick or something and get hurt. Bentley also loved the parade. His favorite part...the marching band!!! Grandma Cathi was pretty excited about this when we told her. I could not get over how into the drums he was. Maybe all get my rock star after all. Not much else happened in July, or at least nothing that I'm still remembering after all this time has past. My work schedule has me pretty messed up and I am finding I don't really care about the things I use to care about. All I focus on is spending as much time playing and being with Bentley during the week because come the weekend, I'm lucky if I see him. I am trying to become more devoted on keeping my friends and family update on life but that too is set aside most of the time. So here's to new journeys and goals!!!