Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mr. Bentley is ONE!

Well we did it!!!  We pulled off a very successful 1st birthday party for Mr. Bentley.  With the help of our awesome parents and friends it all came together and turned out to be a fantastic day.  Bentley made out very well from all his friends and family with the gift.  From riding toys, beach supplies, water tables, clothes, and bath tub toys, this kid is set for summer!!!  Here are a few pictures that were captured from the day, hope you enjoy like we all did.

Mr. Bentley where can I start.  You are One Years OLD!!!  You are now walking more frequently in short spurts around the house and in public.  You still rely on crawling when your really determined to get somewhere that looks to far for you.  You have 9 teeth that are fully poked through and your in the process of 2 more poking through.  These two seem to be giving you the worse of trouble as far as runny nose and irritability.  They are your 1 year molars.  Looks like we shall make an appointment to see the dentist soon.  You are still getting three bottles a day but I'm going to be switching you over slowly to drinking whole milk and hopefully weening you off the bottle.  I think during the day you should be fine however I'm a little concerned with your night time bottle.  We shall see.  Your wearing size 3 diapers, 12 months pants and 18 month shirts.  You still love to throw balls, blocks, cars......ANYTHING.  Dad is still hoping you'll be a lefty but you do tend to switch back and forth so mom is hoping for both!  You eat very well, have since about 6 months old.  I am beginning to see you respond to different textures so that should be interesting finding out what you actually like and don't like.  You are clearly saying dada, mama, woof (for a dog bark), and sometimes I feel like you say "that" when you point to things.  Over the last couple of days I am hearing more babbling coming from you so you should be starting with more words soon.  At your party, I'm pretty sure you said "Amanda" when you wanted saved from the high chair during your cake eating.  Here is a short video to prove what I MIGHT have heard! :-)

I look forward to many more years to come Mr. Bentley.  You indeed have a wonderful personality and can't wait till you begin to become more independent.  I often wonder what like will be like for you.  Some advice I'd give you in the future for your child at the age of one:  There will be times when you just can't figure out what your child may want or need, you just have to let them cry it out and they will be okay.  There will be bumps and bruises, oh boy will there be bruises, this will be okay just pick them up give them hugs and kisses and try to comfort them as much as you can.  Share, share your time between grandparents, aunts and uncles, so that you can also get some time for your self and wife.  Always tell your child goodnight and that you love them.  It's okay to not always give them what they want, they will still love you 5 minutes from the time you told them no!

Well, this is it, One year down, hopefully many more to come, I love you kid, keep on keeping on!!!! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Be Careful what you Pray for........

Because God, he is GOOD! WONDERFUL, magnificent,  marvelous and extraordinary.  Let me just start by telling you about three years ago from this date I found myself praying to go to take my wheel and drive my boat because I just could not handle things any more.  I thought that I would decide to just give in to what everyone has told me and let God be my guide.  So I along with my family prayed.  We prayed that I would find myself happy and healthy with a family and a home.  And let me tell you......he delivered!  In April/May of 2009 I found a Realtor friend began looking at houses, May 17th 2009 I met the love of my life, July 09, I Tara WEBSTER owed a house, Sept I moved into MY house with my amazing man Curt, to live what we thought the happy still getting to know each other couple under one roof.  July 2010, Curt purposed to me planning to get married the FOLLOWING summer in 2011.  NOPE fault all plans, in just 9 short months we are going to have a baby! SO we got married in Dec. 2010, had Bentley in 2011, and now my friends brings me to my point.
Curt and I know that we do not want to stay in our house that we currently live in, in fact had I known how my next three years would be I would have not choose this house to begin with.  It's a perfect house, for a small family!  Or even a family with no children!  So we knew we were going to be wanting to THINK about selling AFTER July 2012 because we are in a deal telling us we can't sell before then.  So we(I) pray that when and if we ever decide that we want to sell that the market will be at a point where we won't have to hassle with having our home on the market for years and years.  My friend Realtor texted me on Monday asking me how serious I was to sell my house.  After much back and forth, he showed our house to a interested client of his.  Needless to say the client was interested and wants to show his wife on Friday morning!  Here is were it all begins, you see God must know that I can handle stressful situations because I feel that we may be on our next journey.  I know that this is just the start, and that this "looking at the house" may turn into being absolutely nothing but I am also going to be careful what I pray about in the next couple of years because I really want to be able to enjoy these milestones with my family and not live life on a roller coaster so that I miss the enjoyment out of things.  I will keep you updated as far as the house goes, like I said I'm not going to get overly excited about this, but it does prove that good things do and can happen!