Sunday, November 13, 2016

3 YEARS Time for a Change

3 Years ago I wrote my last blog. THATS CRAZY

Today I am going to be starting my 100 day challenge to myself.  A challenge to begin to make healthier decisions for myself and for my family.  I am going to be up front and honest in these post in hope that I can hold myself accountable for my actions.
I currently weight in at 261 lbs.  I get out of breath walking to and from my car, upstairs, downstairs, etc.  I can barley bend over to tie my own shoes.  I have no motivation to be active with my children, I'd rather just sit and watch than get involved and enjoy.  We recently got family pictures taken and I was so disgusted with how I felt I looked, I couldn't even enjoy my family for the wonderful joy they are.  It's time for a change, and it must start with ME.
I have many fears and reservations about this challenge.  I don't want to fail, I have few individuals around me that feel that I can actually follow through.  I know that when I become active, walking, bike, etc. my body will begin to hurt and I am fearful of this pain.  In the past I have not been able to push through the pain, I let the pain win out.  I am fearful that I will continue to be unmotivated and fall through the cracks.  I will not get going to follow through with what I want for myself.  I fear that I will fail.  I will need to change everything about my life style, what I eat, what I do, my time management, how I eat, etc.  Can I do this?  We will see.
Today is day one, today I am working.  Sitting at a desk, thinking about drinking pop and eating junk food.  I'm hungry just at the thought of not being able to eat anything I want and that I will have to think about what I am eating before putting it into my mouth.  I'm drinking water and I have had one small cup of coffee with a little Pumpkin spice creamer.  I did have a muffin for Breakfast in a moment of walking out the door not thinking about the thought that I need to think about what I am eating.  For lunch I had some roast beef with potatoes and gravy and a side of green beans, hospital food so you know it has to be healthyish.....right?  For a snack I had some tuna salad with some crackers.  How much/many you ask....I don't know because I didn't count and I'm trying to just be cautious of what I'm eating, not turn my food into a calorie counting activity.  So this is day one, only 99.5 more days to go.